Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Discretion Of Lower Courts Example

Discretion Of Lower Courts Example Discretion Of Lower Courts – Coursework Example Discretion of Lower Courts al Affiliation) Activities that Permit the Lower Courts to Implement Decisions Legally, the lower court has the mandate or the authority to interpret decisions of the Higher Court: In this case, some important policies are usually made by the Higher or Appellate Courts, and such decisions are constitutionally interpreted by lower courts. The interpretation of decisions made by the higher court in the lower courts depend on various issues i.e. a judge’s personal perspective regarding the policy ( Additionally the permission of lower courts to make decisions stems from the structure of the United States’ Judicial System. The US Judiciary system is characterized by individualism, decentralization as well as independence, thus most judges tend to make decisions without fear of impeachment, provided they keep their electorate satisfied by their services ( On the other hand, the activities undertaken in the lower courts are usually permitted by the mode of communicating a policy by the Higher or Supreme Courts ( That is, when an appeal is made on a lower court, the higher court takes the initiative of informing the lower courts and other courts regarding the decisions through various modes of communication such as: Printed copies and the internet where the judges can acquire the information. Remedies Applied by Public to Influence Decisions that are Yet to be Made by Lower CourtsOne of the remedies that the general public may utilize to facilitate decision making that a judge from a lower court has yet to implement, is to make an appeal for a decision to be made by a higher court. This remedy relies on the available legal structures that permit such decisions to either be made at the higher courts or the lowers courts, thus the general public has to take this into consideration. Secondly, the general public may undertake advocacy campaigns, requesting for fair judgmen t and appropriate decision making processes in a manner that the general public’s needs are met. Advocacy campaigns are considered appropriate strategies that have been applied to advocate for rights and fairness. This can be applied in lower courts especially if the decisions to be made by the lower courts have an impact of the general public. ReferencesIIP Digital | U.S. Department of State. (2008, May 14). Retrieved December 3, 2014, from chapter 14 Top of FormBottom of FormWenger - Impact of Judicial Policies. (n.d.). Retrieved December 3, 2014, from

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Mexico essays

Mexico essays Mexico, D. F. es la ciudad de habla espanola mas grande del mundo. Es una metropoli donde se encuetra lo antigo y lo nuevo. Es sus estaciones de subterraneo (subway) se ven ejemplos del arte azteca. Los chorros montan : a famoso rascacielos (skyscraper) llamado la torre lationamericana. Diego perez era uno de los hombres mas ricos y mas arrogantes de la capital. Hijo de padres pobres, a la edad de lo anos habia comenzado a trabajar en una agencia de automoviles. Con gran inteligencia, mucho trabajar y buena suerte habia llegado a ser presidente de la compania. Ahora tenia 60 anos y tenia la seguridad finaniciera. Por eso decidio jubilarse, salir la vida de la ciudad y buscar una casa lejos de la ciudad en el campo. San Miguel es un pequeno pueblo situado al oeste de la capital. Es famoso por su ambiente colonial, su hermoso lago del mismo nombre y su vida agradable. Un domingo por la manana, diego y su esposa llegaron a san miguel. Ellos caminaron por las calles estrechas del pueblo. Despues de un rato ellos vieron una casa bonita del periodo colonial que estaba de venta. Sin vacilar, diego le dijo a su esposa que queria comprar aquella casa. Fue a la casa y llamo la puerta y hablo con el dueno. El duenoqueria 25,000 por la casa y diego le dijo que el le daria un cheque. La pareja volvio a la capital para preparar para mudarse de casa. Durante la vaelta a la capital diego le decia a su esposa que los rasticos del campo eran tontos. Dijo que esa casa tenia un valor doble. El dijo que solamente sabian hacer tortillas. Dentro de quince dias la pareja otravez estaba en san miguel. Habian llegado por la noche con sus posesiones y porque estaban muy cansados se se acostaron en seguida. Pero a las casa de un vecino. Poco despues oyeron mas ruido de la otra casa vecina. Diego se levanto y fue primero a la casa de pedro. Alli el encontro pedro en su taller trabajando. Pedro era carpintero luego diego fue a la otra casa do ...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Critically discuss Plato's theory of the psyche and relate it with Essay

Critically discuss Plato's theory of the psyche and relate it with managing today - Essay Example Plato understood that the human psyche is in constant exchange with the external social, cultural and political environment. The similarities between Plato’s and Freud’s conceptions of the psyche are relevant to modern business management because Freudian psychoanalysis is well entrenched in Human Resources Management practice. The continued utility of Plato’s theory of the psyche to modern managers is illustrated by its perusal in management seminars and workshops. Even the process of knowledge creation and transfer prevalent in management practice today has parallels to Plato’s ideas on knowledge. Plato’s theory of psyche remains an eminent source of wisdom and counsel to leaders in various fields today. Introduction: Plato is one of the most influential philosophers from the Hellenistic Age, whose ideas are still relevant to modern times. Business management as we know it today was not a preoccupation of Plato. For that matter, management of busi ness enterprises under a capitalist framework is a modern phenomenon ushered in by the Industrial Revolution of late 18th century. But Plato was a polymath, who forwarded treatises on a range of subjects. Questions of what constitutes good governance under a monarch was a focus of his thought. When we look closely, there are many parallels between the structure of a kingdom and that of a business corporation. Both are more or less authoritarian institutions with a top-down power hierarchy. With the net worth of many Fortune 500 corporations is equivalent to the GDP of some nations, corporate houses are rightly referred to as ‘empires’ in management literature. Hence, although the thoughts of Plato and that of Peter Drucker are separated by two millennia, the former can be seen as a management guru in his own right. In particular, Plato’s speculations and assertions on the nature of human psyche have withstood the test of time and are a useful aid to modern manage rs. This essay will flesh out this thesis in detail. Body of Essay: It is fair to state that of all ancient Greek philosophers, it was Plato, who defined and characterized the nature of the psyche in great detail. Plato was the one who â€Å"defined the abstract and the rational as equivalent to the moral good. He equated self-knowledge with self-restraint, and proclaimed that knowledge is virtue.... Lack of knowledge and the irrational, were equated with moral evil, and then, with madness.† (Buckley, 2001, p. 452) For Plato, the ‘soma’ makes up the physical body, while the psyche is the what animates a body and gives it life. Psyche is what distinguishes a living creature from a dead one. The body, on the other hand, plays host to the psyche and can either restrict or extend the expression of psyche. According to Plato, the psyche is not made of substance and it is immortal. Plato divided human psyche into three components – the rational, affective and ap petitive. In simple terms, examples of appetites or desires are thirst, hunger, etc. The ability to overcome the appetites is the function of the rational. And the appetitive, also called the Spirit is the moral compass as attuned by social norms. He defined conflict as a â€Å"struggle between the rational and the appetitive portions with each trying to enlist the affective portion on its side." (Buckley, 2001, p.453) For example, conflicts could arise in simple situation like these: I know it is wrong to lie, but can’

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Selfie and Self-portrait Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Selfie and Self-portrait - Essay Example On the other hand, a self-portrait is a representation of a photographed or drawn picture. Self-portraits have been in existence since the medieval times when renaissance artists and painters started to work on human anatomy. In some cases, when artist draw a self-portrait, the photographer might utilize larger lens, which can disorient the image. They can also fail to present the person facing down with no focus, which can distort the image. Self-portraits include reason and thought during composition of the image or photo (McHugh n.p). It is significant to note that self- portrait is looking at me and reflecting on a personal life while a selfie is empty and not indicative of such a scenario. When a person takes a selfie, the eyes look bigger and shiny because of the closeness to the camera but as for the self-portrait the artist produces every part of the image in accordance with the way it appears. While taking a selfie, the gestures imply that â€Å"look at me I am taking a selfie or a photo of me or I am here†. It tries to capture the attention of other people. On contrary, Self-portrait tries to reveal certain messages or information about the image/character. For instance, the artist draws the image with an intention to pass a message to the people (Jim 17). A self-portrait is an artistic impression of the self that has a deeper meaning than a selfie. A self-portrait involves a person looking at a picture and trying to produce every inch of the image as it appears (Julian, 76). There is concern to details as much as the details cannot be compared to the camera. The portrait is taken to expound on a something. It brings about a message to other people but a selfie can only be used to showcase a past activity. A good example of this is a portrait of a person for use in as a gift in a ceremony. This portrait is different from a selfie or the same photo taken using a camera as it will in most cases be used to

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Human Trafficking Essay Example for Free

Human Trafficking Essay Human trafficking is a very prevalent issue in today’s societies throughout the world. Human trafficking is the illegal trade of human beings for the purposes of commercial sexual exploitation or forced labor. The extremely high demand for sex and cheap labor are two of the leading factors in the expansion of human trafficking. Despite efforts from various individuals and organizations, millions and millions of men and women are illegally traded each year. Many agree that human trafficking is a horrific injustice but fail to acknowledge the underlying conditions that enable the growth of this industry. The various reasons most individuals fail to think deeper than the surface issues to address the underlying issues are discussed in depth in The Sociological Imagination by C.Wrighr Mills. Until the underlying issues are acknowledged and corrected, more and more humans will be illegally traded. According to The Sociological Imagination, many problems of society are overlooked because the issues do not directly impact the individual’s life. Many individuals do not make the connection between their own life and the big picture, in this case the relevance of human trafficking. They fail to see that although human trafficking may not directly impact one’s life, the illegal trade of humans may indirectly impact their life. The humans illegally traded, not only face sexual and labor exploitation but many are forced into marriage. Others are forced to become street beggars or child soldiers. In some of the worst cases the humans trafficked are killed and their organs are sold on the organ black market. Individuals not aware of these alternate forms of human trafficking usually fail to see how common it is and do not see the indirect impact human trafficking may have on their life. Another condition enabling the construction and expansion of human trafficking on the global scale are the efforts to stop human trafficking are being concentrated on the wrong principles. Organizations like SafeHorizon, Called to Rescue, Coalition Against Trafficking in Women and Deborah’s Gate all focus on rescuing individuals from trafficking or helping individuals assimilate back into society after being trafficked. I acknowledge these are very useful tactics but these organizations are only addressing the victims after they have been traumatized instead of addressing the underlying issues of why there is human trafficking and developing ways to prevent it. Some of their efforts should be transferred to implementing procedures or strategies that prevent individuals from becoming victims instead of for after they become victims. The corruption of government officials and police force in countries where human trafficking is most prominent, also play a large role in the growth and expansion of human trafficking in certain regions. Bribes are taken so certain businesses are not investigated or raided. These businesses are known to illegally trade human beings but they are allowed to continue their illegal actions. Authorities are aware certain individuals are partaking in human trafficking but merely look the other way. Until this changes or the corrupt government officials and police officers are removed from power, the number of humans illegally traded will continue to rapidly grow. But even honest government officials and police officers face difficultly in combating human trafficking. Human trafficking is such a lucrative business because of the high demand for sex that even when authorities are able to apprehend individuals who are trading humans illegally, new individuals pop up and pick up where they left off. Another obstacle authorities face is that many individuals who are involved in human trafficking operate at such a small scale, it is very difficult to know about their actions. Numerous individuals illegal trade humans in small rural homes or small businesses and keep their actions very discrete. Authorities trying to end human trafficking face almost insurmountable odds. The Sociological Imagination touched on the idea that individuals feel trapped by the problems of today. They are unable to look beyond the immediate troubles and issues. Humans are too consumed with the struggles off everyday life to invest time in correcting large-scale social injustices. Individuals feel as if their vision and powers are limited to the smaller scale of their jobs, family and neighborhood. This idea is another condition enabling the construction and expansion of human trafficking on a global scale. If one feels as if they are powerless and cannot change or do not have the time to change large scale issues, then change is not brought about. One individual can make change no matter how big or small the injustice they are trying to combat is. Until one internalizes and begins to believe they can make a difference, their efforts usually are consumed by irreverent problems of everyday life. Another condition enabling the construction and expansion of human trafficking is that many individuals are distracted from the larger social injustices. The media chooses which stories to shed light upon and in turn decide the importance of issues. If an individual is exposed to the same story numerous times, they are inclined to believe that story is more relevant and important than a story that receives less coverage. Some forms of media purposely give more coverage to celebrity drama or irreverent issues to distract individuals from the larger issues. The larger issues can more easily be swept under the rug if â€Å"the people† are not addressing them. If the horrors and alarming statistics of human trafficking where displayed in the media more often, people would be more inclined to correct the conditions that enable the construction and expansion of human trafficking. The Sociological Imagination opened my mind to the conditions that prevent individuals from dealing with the troubles and issues that matter. Individuals are seldom aware of the intricate connections between the patterns of their own lives and the course of the world. Because they do not make this connection most individuals cannot cope with their personal troubles in an efficient enough way to be aware of the structural transformations that lie beneath them. Sociological Imagination is having the ability to grasp reality by putting everything into perspective to make sense of the non-sense by thinking below the surface. Until more individuals possess this sociological imagination, things will not change.

Friday, November 15, 2019

Essay on Relationship between Art and Life in Death in Venice

Relationship between Art and Life Explored in Death in Venice      Ã‚   The novella Death in Venice by Thomas Mann examines the nature of the relationship between art and life. The progression of the main character, Gustave Von Aschenbach, illustrates the concept of an Apollinian/Dionysian continuum. Apollo is the Greek god of art, thus something Apollinian places an emphasis on form. Dionysus is the Greek god of wine and chaos, hence something Dionysian emphasizes energy and emotion. In The Birth of Tragedy Friedrich Nietzsche suggests that,"... the continuous development of art is bound up with the Apollinian and Dionysian duality--just as procreation depends on the duality of the sexes, involving perpetual strife with only periodically intervening reconciliations.. in the Greek world there existed a tremendous opposition, in origin and aims, between the Apollinian area of sculpture, and the nonimagistic, Dionysian art of music "(33). The Greeks embodied this concept in the "clear figures of their gods" just as Thomas Mann, a great reader of N ietzsche, embodied it in his characters (33).    At the beginning of the novel, Gustave is depicted as an extremely, if not overly, civilized man. He is an artist, but he approaches art coldly and rigidly. It is more a job than a joy for him, and it is actually his urge to seek "flight from his rigid, cold, and passionate service" that brings him to Venice (Mann 6). Although Gustave loves this service, he is currently in a state of frustration: "To him it seemed that his work had ceased to be marked by that fiery play of fancy that is the product of joy..." (7). His beliefs can be summarized in the words "mind and art," thus missing the crucial ingredients of life and sensuality. Gu... ... painting Figures on Rocks at the Edge of the Sea. Life is found to be problematic if lived at either extreme, a midpoint of some type must be established. A dynamic state of oscillation, the best environment for the cultivation of creativity, would have prevented Gustave's uncontrollable exhibition of previously inhibited Dionysian qualities. The ideal state for the production of art and living in general seems to be a mixture of art, mind, and life.       Works Cited Mann, Thomas. Death in Venice and Other Stories. New York: Random House, Inc., 1989. Nietzsche, Friedrich. The Birth of Tragedy from the Spirit of Music. 1872. In The Birth of Tragedy and The Case   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   of Wagner. Trans. Walter Kaufmann. New York: Vintage Books, 1967. Vibert, Jean-Georges. Figures on Rocks at the Edge of the Sea. Snite Museum of Art, Notre Dame, Indiana.   

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Preventing Environmental Damage Essay

The world is recently being beleaguered by environmental issues and problems left and right. Our planet is deteriorating rapidly, and such is due in large part to the activities of man (Cline, 1992). For example, many movements and organizations notice the earth’s problem with respect to pollution, global warming and destruction of ecosystems (Cline, 1992). These are environmental problems that are caused by acts of man. Therefore, the solution and more importantly, the prevention, of these problems also lie in the hands of man. More particularly, the areas where man could take steps towards correcting the damage to the environment call upon leaders to develop programs and policies designed to remedy the problem. Moreover, leaders need to use techniques to implement such programs and policies and deliver results. The participation of leaders in saving the environment is manifested in the acts of countries in taking responsibility in the prevention and saving the environment. As big movers of the world, and wielding great power over its citizens and private companies, countries can accomplish a great deal in preventing further environmental damage. The different approaches in preventing the environment differ in accordance with the respective causes of the damage. Knowing the causes of environmental damage would dictate the proper actions that would prevent such damage from happening. In the case of countries’ responsibility in this respect, their programs of actions should consist of strict rules and regulations that limit the power of individuals, groups, and communities to exploit the environment. Countries’ governments are the only institutions that are given the authority and mandate to regulate the use and exploitation of natural resources. Therefore, countries should be active and vigilant in protecting their environment. For example, coral reef ecosystems, which are very important in maintaining the balance of life systems under the sea, are always being destroyed by abuses by man in utilizing resources from it (Center for Sponsored Coastal Ocean Research). Thus, the main cause of destruction of coral reefs is pollution caused by man (Center for Sponsored Coastal Ocean Research). Thus, environmental protection by countries should consist of the enactment of environmental protection measures and the formulation of appropriate environmental policies (Center for Sponsored Coastal Ocean Research). Another illustration can be found in environmental issues surrounding the use of fossil fuels. Such use creates problems because they cause global warming, and fossil fuel is non-renewable; thus, their use depletes vital resources (â€Å"Benefits from Fossil Fuel Use†). Countries can help prevent such environmental problems by helping the private sector develop technologies that address our dependence on fossil fuel and thereby reduce such dependence and reduce pollution (â€Å"Benefits from Fossil Fuel Use†). Another example of the participation of countries in preventing environmental damage is through agencies such as the Environmental Protection Agency of the United States. The agency has the jurisdiction and authority to regulate the emissions of greenhouse gases by different sources, such as new motor vehicles (Barze Jr. and Casey, 2007). The initiative of countries can also be shown through the adoption of energy saving and better products that do not cause further damage to the environment. One example can be seen in the initiative of leaders of the European Union. They decided that before the end of the decade, all European homes, offices and streets must use energy efficient lighting (EU to switch to energy-efficient bulbs. (International Report), 2007). Works Cited Barze Jr. , R. B. & Casey, T. L. (2007). The future of greenhouse gas emission regulations: Massachusetts v. Environmental Protection Agency. Defense Counsel Journal 74, 269-273. Retrieved October 28, 2007, from http://galenet. galegroup. com. ezproxy1. library. arizona. edu/servlet/BCRC? vrsn=16 0&locID=uarizona_main&ste=5&docNum=A167510332 â€Å"Benefits from Fossil Fuel Use. † 20 Oct. 2007 . Center for Sponsored Coastal Ocean Research. â€Å"Coral Reef Ecosystem Integrity and Restoration Options with Watershed-based activities and Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) in the Tropical Pacific Islands. † 8 Sept. 2006. 20 Oct. 2007 . Cline, W. R. (1992). The Economics of Global Warming. Washington, DC: Institute for International Economics. ISBN paper 0-88132-132-X. EU to switch to energy-efficient bulbs. (International Report). (2007). Global Warming Today: General OneFile. Gale. University of Arizona Library. Retrieved October 31, 2007, from http://find. galegroup. com. ezproxy1. library. arizona. edu/itx/start. do? prodId=ITOF

Sunday, November 10, 2019

How effective is Citibank at resolving and retaining its staff? Essay

To provide Citibank with a report that recommends improvement to recruitment and retention. Objectives 1) To assess the benefit, if any provided by Citibank for its employees. 2) To select appropriate performance criteria for the reasurement of staff performance. 3) Examine and analyse employee perception of the current training provision. 4) Examine and evaluate other factors that may influence staff morale. In order to manage the performance of staff managers I will be using performance criteria: This is a handy measuring tool, which is used as a method by which I will be assessing people’s performance and the satisfactions and dissatisfactions of their work. I will also be assessing the performance criteria of their absenteeism and the No of days staff are absent in a period of time. Also I will be checking on productivity and the number of staff measured against output. I will be monitoring the retention rates data and to see how long staffs have worked, whether they are temporary or permanent. Company History and Background to problem The company I am investigating is a subsidiary of Citigroup Inc, Citibank International plc. Specifically I will be looking at the Distribution Division of the Global Consumer Bank in the UK. In the year of 2001 Citigroup hailed its position as one of the most successful financial services in the world. It registered double-digit increases across many lines of business, and a 20% returns on equity. Their main objectives are to establish trusted relationships with consumers, corporations, institutions and governments. They operate for both sectors of businesses, private and personal banking. They have corporate banking and this is for business, which generates a lot of money. Citibank is a large corporation and is known as a public limited company, or PLC, meaning that its shares can be floated and then traded on the stock market. Any member of the general public can therefore become an owner of these organisations. I have analysed the annual report for Citigroup in 2001. The figures are very promising and show an increase of 8% in revenue over the previous year. What I am currently basing my project on is the Citibank branches situated in London. The branches are based at Oxford Circus, Strand, Monument and Canary Wharf. I shall be conducting this coursework with the help of Danny Childs, Assistant Vice President of Citibank; he is also in charge of the employees in the London branches. I shall be conducting research within the offices of Citibank to determine the quality of staff behaviour and how they go about customer services. I shall analyse my findings and from the information I discover, I will talk it over with Mr Childs and sort out ways to retain a positive atmosphere in his offices. Performance Indicators I am going to select the appropriate performance to evaluate Citibank’s effectiveness in training. There are two types of performance indicators: A) Qualitative: – In-depth research into the motivations behind the attitudes of the employees through the questionnaires that I have conducted. B) Quantitative: – Pre-set questions on a sample of 13 employees have in order to provide statistically valid data. I wrote this questionnaire and received anonymous and therefore unbiased answers that meet the research objectives. Performance management simply expressed is an approach to managing people, which helps to ensure that individual’s performance goals and capabilities are linked to the goals and plans of the business. When this occurs, business performance goals are met; people know what is expected of them and receive the support they need to develop their capabilities. Modern performance management is based on the principle of ‘objective cascade.’ This means that everyone sees a clear connection between: a) The goals of the entire business. b) The goals of the department. c) How the performance goals of teams and individuals relate to and support business goals. What is the overall approach to performance management in Citibank? Purpose Performance management provides a commitment and fair approach to managing performance of all people within Citibank. Aims: – Clarify performance expectations in relation to what people do and how they go about it. * Address and enhance performance through honest and constructive feedback. * Identify and deliver training and development to meet individual and team capability requirements. Performance indicators that can be used for Citibank can be: – Performance Indicator Purpose Profit Can be measured in quarterly times of the year to see how much money Citibank is bringing in. Staff turnover The amount of staff that has left Citibank can be measured with the staff from last year. Absenteeism Annually compared to provide the number of times employees have taken days off. Research Methodology For my research into Citibank, I will be conducting several different kinds of methods to gather my data. My research will include both primary and secondary data. Therefore, my answers will be accurate and reliable. Primary Research Primary information is the process of gathering information directly from people within your target market, as I will have shown by the time this project is completed. I shall be gathering data from the market by means of conducting an anonymous questionnaire. A questionnaire contains several advantages: – * + Through the questionnaire I can construct my questionnaire to suit the needs of fulfilling my research objectives. * + A questionnaire contains up-to-date answers from the employee’s. * + Through the questionnaire I can also understand the state of mind the worker is in and how he feels about working within Citibank. The questionnaire will be emailed to all of the staff employed by Danny Childs. They will then fill it in and return it back to me. I have decided to use this method because it is honest and will be unbiased. It is reliable and will be of present and true facts. It is also a good idea because it is anonymous and employees won’t feel pressured into giving answers that only are only said for the sake of Danny. I will be handing out questionnaires to 30 people in Danny’s workforce. Secondary Research I will also be using other sources of non-primary findings. They are called secondary research. Secondary research is the process of collecting data that is not new. It can be old evidence from magazines, the Internet or statistics. In this case when the secondary research is collected it will be analysed in accordance to the questionnaires. These sources will be coming from Danny Childs past findings and research data, which he has stored on his laptop. These findings inform me of staff turnover and retention rates of Citibank. I will only be gathering data that is from the past year and which I consider to be useful. Secondary research gives a background analysis of the primary research conducted and I will be able to notice any trends, if any, in the results. After I have had all the results in for both the primary and secondary, I will combine them together and have an accurate answer and accomplish my aim. I will be using a quantitative research method. This asks pre-set questions to the Staff of Citibank. This is called sampling as I am making sure my results are going to be typical of the whole Citibank workforce. My questionnaire will be unbiased and ensure that my objectives are met. I will also research into my answers to check how valid they are. Before starting off my main concerns to do with sampling was that how am I going to choose the correct people for interview (sampling method) and also deciding how large a number to interview (the sample size). There are 4 main sampling methods: Random sample, Quota sample, Stratified sample, and Cluster sample. Random Sample: This is when I would select employees within Citibank and ensure they are all treated equally in the questionnaire selecting process. A successful random sample is one which: 1) Picks names at random from a register process†¦e.g. every 50th name. 2) Send an interviewer to each worker within the offices of Citibank and question him. Quota Sample This is when you’re- selecting interviewees in proportion to their age within the offices. This allows the interviewer (which would be me) to question whoever he sees in the office room, as long as the correct quota is achieved. Stratified Sample Only those with certain characteristics are to be interviewed. Eg: I am going to only interview managers within Citibank worldwide. This means I am interviewing individuals at random. Cluster Sample This is sampling only within a certain area, such as university towns or certain business districts. It is usually used for students such as me who are doing projects on a large scale. Therefore I have decided that the sample that I will be conducting is Cluster Sampling. This is because my sample size was 13 employees and is only referring to the distribution division of Citibank, and not the rest of the company. Analysis Out of the thirty questionnaires that I handed out among the staff, only thirteen questionnaires were sent back to Danny Childs who then forwarded them back to me. The reason not all questionnaires were filled in was that half of them thought that it was Danny himself who had constructed the questionnaire and not me. After receiving the questionnaires I went about analysing each question and breaking them down in terms relating to the aim. All answers that were multiple choice, I ensured that I amalgamated the answers and I created pie charts to visually show my answers. Where questions have a ‘long hand’ answer I will be using ‘verbatims’. This is when I will be lifting relevant comments from the answers. The way I have done this is to pick out key messages and repeated statements within the answers and to then summarise it: – 1) How long have you been at Citibank? What employees wrote A=Less than a year 1 B=1-3 Years 8 C=3-5 years 4 D=More than 5 Years 0 Out of the thirteen who answered, the majority of employees (eight workers) said that they worked between one to three years. Only one employee who filled in the questionnaire has been with Citibank for longer than a year and also had the most negative comments to say about Citibank as an employer. I constructed a Pie Chart to represent the data above: – 2) How would you rate Citibank as an employer? What employees wrote A) Poor 0 B) Below Average 2 C) Average 4 D) Above Average 7 E) Excellent 0 Out of the thirteen that answered, the majority of workers currently employed at Citibank said in their questionnaire that as an employer, they rated Citibank as average. The reasons for this are explained in question three. I have constructed a pie chart to show the data above for question two. 3) Give a Brief reason for your answer to the previous question. Most of the employee’s answered that Citibank provided a â€Å"Good benefit package e.g.: salary, BUPA.† Two employees claimed that Citibank is â€Å"more enjoyable than previous employment.† Four employees were not happy with their employer’s and were not afraid to let it be known. One of those four even went far enough to leave the question unanswered which goes to show how much he values Citibank as an employer. Referring to page 2 of my appendix, an employee said, Managers don’t want to see customers, even if they are available to assist. The worker sees this as a bad thing, yet if he thinks about it he can use this to his advantage. The manager of the branch may believe in Maslow’s theory of management and develops a democratic approach towards his staff. By allowing the staff to think for themselves and make the correct decisions, Danny Childs will only be called in absolute urgency, and by shadowing him for a week I learned and watched the way the workforce was run. 4) When was the last time you attended a training course? The employees have answered this question vaguely and were not afraid to point out that ‘Citibank training is bad’ and that it is ‘so boring’. One employee even said that he ‘cant remember’ the last course he had attended. This goes to show that Citibank need to invest in making their training courses more innovative and enjoyable for their workers in order to keep them motivated. They could ensue team working in the courses meaning placing workers who haven’t worked together before or are not in the same social circle as that particular worker into a group, switching their tasks around and discussing ways of them working more effectively. Team working, managed effectively, can provide employees better quality and more innovative work at a lower cost and at a faster rate. To achieve such improvements in performance employees must be involved. They must have the ability to contribute and feel they are listened to. Greater participation can help a company like Citibank gain a competitive edge. Although this may be expensive, the outcome may be fruitful. The workers may leave the course happier and wanted and therefore work harder and produce more business for Citibank. 5) Overall, what do you think of the training provided at Citibank? What employees wrote A) Poor 2 B) Below Average 1 C) Average 6 D) Above Average 4 E) Excellent 0 Most of the employees at Citibank rated training as only average. I discussed this topic in more detail in question four and discussed the different approaches that could be taken. Even if changes were implemented correctly, I would hope that if I was to ask the same question to staff in six months, the majority might answer that training is Excellent. Below is a pie chart, which I created to show my results from question five: – 6) What keeps you motivated at Citibank? Nine out of the thirteen that answered said that the salary they are on is what keeps them motivated. There were no other factors involved in keeping the staff happy. Three workers said that they survive by motivating themselves and only one claimed that he was there only to do a job. Three things influence the motivation of staff in practice: * The company culture. * Its approach to managing its people * The financial reward systems. Company culture means the accepted set of attitudes and habits within an organisation-its ethos. Every business has its own culture, and Citibank is no different. Within an hour of sitting in the office with Mr Childs, jokes aside I set out to work hard throughout the week. What kept me motivated was that I was working at a top bank and I wanted to please Danny so as not to disappoint him. It was challenging, yet purposeful. Elton Mayo was a motivational theorist who pointed out that the difference in attitude was often to do with the unofficial leader or leaders of the staff concerned. For the majority of the workers, it is the financial reward system that keeps them motivated. Danny explained to me that each of his sales team has a PRP (performance-related pay) scheme to follow. It is a highly attractive system for encouraging staff to work towards the organisation’s objectives. The usual method is: 1) At the end of each month, the individual’s achievement is discussed against the targets set. 2) If they have reached a target or gone above it, they are rewarded with a pay rise, or are given a bonus scheme to work to. 7) Do you feel you get motivation from your managers? This question was answered with much criticism towards the managers. I designed this questionnaire to find out exactly what the staff is thinking and I got what I wanted. This question was answered in a way that it was being critical of the managers and mocking their intelligence. In two of the questionnaires, staff said that the managers give â€Å"support rather than motivation†. Support and motivation are two totally different things. Support is when the manager doesn’t literally do the work for an employee, but rather sets the framework for what is to happen. Motivation is when a manager would encourage his employee’s to do something by means of offering them incentives. For most of the answers given in this question it is plain to see that employee’s don’t feel they get the right motivation that they feel is deserved. Most managers assume they understand human motivation when in practice they have never studied it. As a result they may underestimate the potential within their own staff. Or unthinkingly cause resentments that fester. The process of managing people takes place in every part of every organisation. By contrast a few people would need to know the financial concept of gearing in their working lives. So lack of knowledge of motivational theory is particularly unfortunate and has exceptionally widespread effects. In this case, ignorance leads to managers to ignore motivation altogether. They tell themselves that control and organisation are their only concerns. Other managers may see motivation as important, but fail to understand its subtleties. For these reasons, I can state that there is a case for saying that the concepts of motivation are that of the important factors in running a business. 8) Do you feel you have career prospects at Citibank? Most of the employee’s answered this question with mixed answers. After reading each answer I realised that it was roughly a 50/50 outcome. Some of the employees saw themselves with a future at Citibank, while others thought that they deserved to be elsewhere. A lot of factors can depend on whether or not an employee has a future at Citibank. The outcome I have come to is that the reason the question was not answered properly was because I didn’t ask the question correctly. What I should have I asked was Where do you see yourself in two years time? That way, I will be getting a more detailed answer from the employee and he/she will give me a clear idea of what they think lays in their future. Here is a pie chart to represent the data: – As you can see from the graph, 54% of the staff saw themselves with a future and 46% saw themselves leaving Citibank. 9) Do you feel you are paid a fair wage for your job compared to the banking market place? Out of the thirteen employees, nine answered that they are happy with their salary compared to other banks. Citibank â€Å"on the whole, pays fair wages.† One worker said â€Å"there is always room for improvement† showing that although they are being paid well, more money is always better. Referring back to Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, if the pay levels were increased, it can be used as an incentive to ensure that they remain at Citibank. Maslow believed everyone has the same needs- all of which can be organised as a hierarchy. When employees earn enough to satisfy these needs, however their motivating power slowly disappears. Maslow then referred to his ‘hierarchy of needs’ in order for them to remain motivated: Self-Actualisation Esteem needs Social needs Safety needs Physical Needs 10) Are you offered any financial incentives such as bonus schemes or awards? Out of the thirteen that answered this question, ten replied that they are offered decent incentives if they work hard enough to earn them. A workforce must be put in place, which provides departments such as operations and marketing with the correct number of appropriately skilled employees to accomplish their targets. For an employee to work well, he must first be able to have a good relationship with his employer. I created a pie chart to give a visual representation of the data I received: – 11) Do you feel Citibank has effective managers within branches? More employees said that managers are effective within the branches, although those that weren’t happy, had a lot to criticise. One worker said that managers â€Å"should be more hands on.† The question that came to my attention is What is an effective manager? There are several explanations to this question, and I am going to explain it by means of McGregor’s Theory X and Y. This comes from Douglas McGregor who identified two styles of management. Theory X managers tend to distrust their employees; they believe they don’t really enjoy their work and that they need to be controlled. In McGregor’s own words, many managers believe â€Å"The average human being has an inherent dislike of work and will avoid it if he can.† This theory is not about workers, but he is actually talking about the managers themselves. Theory X in other words is how managers view their workforce. On the other hand, Theory Y managers are more likely to involve employees in decisions and give them greater responsibility. The managerial assumptions identified by McGregor X and Y are: * â€Å"The capacity to exercise a relatively high degree of imagination, ingenuity and creativity in the solution of organisational problems is widely, not narrowly, distributed in the population.† * â€Å"The average human being learns, under proper conditions, not only to accept but to seek responsibility.† * â€Å"Commitment to objectives is a function of the rewards associated with their achievement.† It is clear that Danny is a theory Y manager in some aspects as he is inclined to adopt a democratic leadership style. Their style is to delegate authority to meet specific objectives. Theory X style is to be self-fulfilling. Lazy people are obviously going to produce less output then a lively person. The way to make that lazy person lively is to offer him an incentive, which will motivate him to work harder. 12) Would you recommend your friends to work for Citibank? Eight employees said that they’d recommend friends to work for Citibank, one of them saying what I needed to read, â€Å"Higher starting salary compared to High Street Banks.† The answers show that it was mixed opinions and there could be several reasons. Workers may not want to mix business with pleasure and therefore for friends to be around them in the office, their performance can severely decrease. 13) What, in your view, could Citibank do to improve your working environment? The employees answered and voiced their opinions to make the working environment of Citibank better. The question was answered in detail and I was happy with the result. Appendices Below you will find that I have broken down my questionnaire into an easier way to understand. I completed this before I began my analysis and this appendix can be referred back to as a backup for my analysis at anytime: Question 1- How long have you been at Citibank? A) Less than a year B) 1-3 Years C) 3-5 Years D) More than 5 Years

Friday, November 8, 2019

Information About the Nut-Producing Allegheny Chinkapin

Information About the Nut-Producing Allegheny Chinkapin Chinkapin or chinquapin is a small tree found throughout the southeastern United States. It has one nut in a burr that opens into two halves which gives the tree a distinctive chestnut look. Botanists have now condensed the trees grouping of taxa to a single tree, Castanea pumila var. pumila and now consider that the chinkapin is one species comprising two botanical varieties: vars. ozarkensis and pumila. This tree should not be confused with chinquapin oak. The Allegheny chinkapin, also called common chinkapin, may well be the most ignored and undervalued native North American nut tree. It has been widely hailed as a sweet and edible nut and has been of value to its cousin, the American chestnuts breeding programs. It is, however, a small nut encased in a tough bur which makes for difficulties in harvesting the nut. Chinkapin Specifics Scientific name: Castanea pumilaPronunciation: cast-ah-neigha pum-ill-ahCommon name(s): Allegheny chinkapin, common chinquapin, American chinkapinFamily: FagaceaeUSDA hardiness zones: USDA hardiness zones: USDA hardiness zones: 5b through 9AOrigin: native to North America The Special Little Chinkapin Nut The chinkapins fruit is an interesting small, bur covered nut. The bur has sharp spines, 3/4 to 1 1/2 inches in diameter. Often the burs form in clusters on stems but each bur contains a single, shiny brown chestnut-like nut. Nuts are edible and quite sweet when mature in the fall. A horticulturist once remarked, the Allegheny chinkapin makes your mouth water but to see it makes your eyes water, obviously liking both the trees beauty and bounty. Other experts suggest that the tree is well worthy of cultivation as an ornamental shade tree, even if we leave out of the account its rapid growth, productiveness, and delicious little nuts, which will be very acceptable for home use. There are several online sources where you can purchase the tree. General Chinkapin Description Castanea pumila var. pumila can be characterized as a large, spreading, smooth-barked multistemmed shrub, 10 to 15 feet tall, or as a small tree occasionally single stemmed and 30 to 50 feet tall. Large trees are sometimes found in the landscape, especially where they have been groomed and encouraged to grow and where there are few competing trees. Chinkapin Leaf Characteristics Leaf arrangement: alternateLeaf type: simpleLeaf margin: toothedLeaf shape: elliptical; oblongLeaf venation: parallel side veinsLeaf type and persistence: deciduousLeaf blade length: 3 to 6 inchesLeaf color: greenFall color: yellow Chinkapin Nut Harvest The Allegheny chinkapin is normally ready for harvesting in early September in the upper tree hardiness zones and later in the lower portion of the trees natural range. These nuts need to be harvested as soon as they mature. Prompt nut collection is a must as a large wildlife population can remove the entire crop in days. Again, one single brown nut is contained in each spiny green bur. When these burs start to separate and begin changing into a fall yellow color, its time for seed collection. The burs of chinkapin are normally no more than 1.4 to 4.6 cm in diameter and will split into two sections at nut maturity. Pests and Diseases of Chinkapin Chinkapins are fairly susceptible to the Phytophthora cinnamomi root rotting fungus as are many tree species. The tree can also suffer from the blight of the American chestnut. The Allegheny chinkapin seems to be somewhat resistant to the American chestnut blight which is a fungal disease caused by Cryphonectria parasitica. Only a few heavily cankered trees have been found in Georgia and Louisiana. Chinkapins that do blight will continue to sucker and send up shoots from the root collar despite the cankering and will produce fruit. Folklore Legend has it that Captain John Smith recorded the first European record of the chinquapin in 1612. Cpt. Smith writes, The indians have a small fruit growing on little trees, husked like a chestnut, but the fruit most like a very small acorne. This they call Checkinquamins, which they esteem a great daintie. Bottom Line Allegheny chinkapins are prolific producers of sweet, nutty flavored, small chestnuts. They have attractive foliage and flowers, although the odor at blossoming time is considered unpleasant. Horticulturist Michael Dirr says Allegheny chinkapin, has entered my plant life since moving south and makes, as I have seen it, a small shrub that could be used for naturalizing and providing food for wildlife. The great drawback of Allegheny chinkapin is its small nut size and the added disadvantage that many nuts stick fast in the bur at harvest and have to be removed by force. Because these nuts are small, are difficult to harvest and can germinate before harvest time, they have limited potential as a commercial crop. Good news is that the trees small size, precocity, and heavy production may be useful characteristics to breed into the commercial chestnut species. The chinkapin is adapted to a wide range of soils and site conditions and should be considered for its wildlife value. The nuts are eaten by a number of small mammals such as squirrels, rabbits, deermice, and chipmunks. By cutting the stem at the ground surface, dense thickets can be established within a few years to provide food and cover for wildlife, especially grouse, bobwhite, and wild turkey.

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Reagent Definition and Examples

Reagent Definition and Examples A reagent is a compound or mixture added to a system to cause a chemical reaction or test if a reaction occurs. A reagent may be used to tell whether or not a specific chemical substance is present by causing a reaction to occur with it. Reagent Examples Reagents may be compounds or mixtures. In organic chemistry, most are small organic molecules or inorganic compounds. Examples of reagents include Grignard reagent, Tollens reagent, Fehlings reagent, Collins reagent, and Fentons reagent. However, a substance may be used as a reagent without having the word in its name. Reagent Versus Reactant The term reagent is often used in place of reactant, but a reagent may not necessarily be consumed in a reaction like a reactant. For example, a catalyst is a reagent  but is not consumed in the reaction. A solvent often is involved in a chemical reaction - it is considered a reagent, but not a reactant. What Reagent-Grade Means When purchasing chemicals, you may see them identified as reagent-grade. What this means is that the substance is sufficiently pure that it may be used for physical testing, chemical analysis, or for chemical reactions that require pure chemicals. The standards required for a chemical to meet reagent-grade quality are determined by the American Chemical Society (ACS) and ASTM International, among others.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Issue of Redemption Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Issue of Redemption - Research Paper Example He get to know the truth from Dorotes while they are both in their graves. Death does not stop their sorrow but only an addition of it. From outside the grave they endure to be troubled by the provoking dream of a joy from which they are constantly omitted. Pedro Paroma He is the hero and also the enemy in the novel Pedro Paroma. He is both the protagonist and antagonist because he takes the role of a cross purposes. He has the character of making critical decisions without fear. For instance, he was able to get rid of his debt and acquire more land (Rulfo, Pp 12). The unfortunate thing is that he cannot use his character of making critical decisions for the betterment of the society. Pedro Paroma is presented as a tragic hero since he longs dearly for Susana , but he is unable to overcome her death. The one mistake that is connected to him is the way he cannot forget the death of Susana. This is evident because he is unable to function without the motivations of Susana. Pedro is cha rged with the role of productivity as the main figurehead in his work. This is because a lot is expected from his work. Pedro is extremely immoral because he has impregnated many women in town even though he has the best interest of comal in heart. This is because he is responsibly of the well being of this town. Pedrop has many children â€Å"Padre brings many to his door step† one of them being Miguel although he can also decide to fold his arms and let the town of camola die. This has given him a strong role since he holds the power of life and productiveness in the town. The name Pedro is extremely significant in the novel. This is because the name Pedro means rock of Christ when translated in English while the name paramo means unproductive heat. This is hugely ironic because the works of Pedro collapses like a mountain of rocks after seeing what his land has turned into. Susana San Juan Pedro loves Susana more than he loves his life. The two knew each other from their c hildhood since they grew up together. Susana had a tragic experience since her parents died horrible deaths. Susana mother died friendless, and later her father died in the mines of Andromeda by Sedano so that she could be married by Pedro. Susan was affected tremendously much by the death of her first husband because she loved him extremely (Rulfo, Pp 45). The death of her husband made Susana become delusional because she talks to her self thinking that his husband is alive. Susana seems to have loved his husband for his body but not his character. Even though, Susan did have sex with Pedro, it is because he wanted her desperately. Susana never got married to Pedro because he never had a divorce with Dolores. The death Susana affects Pedro exceeding much that he even refuses to work and even lets the town perish. Susana is characterized as the rain and water because she motivated Pedro to work. The passages when she is found have a background of rain meaning Susana irrigates life. The life of Pedro and Susana has a lot of similarity. For instances, Pedro has father has died, and this is the same case with Susana who lost her father in the mines. Pedro and Susana are strongly affected when their loose the people they love. Susana is strongly affected by the death of her first husband. This makes him to be delusional that she even starts talking to her self thinking that he is alive. The same case happens to Pedro when Susana dies. He becomes

Friday, November 1, 2019

Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 139

Assignment Example In St. John, people hung out their clothes to dry as compared to Calgary where people use washers and dryers in their households (DeWolf , 2007). The use of clear examples and illustrations in the essay into drawing a conclusion about the topic makes it qualify as an inductive essay. According to the essay, the Christopher uses examples in different cities such as Calgary, St. John, Montreal, and St. Michael to demonstrate the significance of clotheslines. Apart from the aesthetic picture brought about by clothes hanging on the lines, there are a vast range of benefits associated with hanging clothes in the lines (DeWolf , 2007). According to La Presse, the sun is eradicates odours and removes stains from clothes in en effective manner as compared to dryers. There is a wide range of advantages of having clothesline apart from being fashionable, and aesthetic outstanding. The presence of clothesline in various regions brings out traditional aspect of hanging clothes in the open. According to research studies, the sun plays an imperative role in the elimination of odours and stains as compared to the use of dryer. Drying of clothes in the sun is sometimes associated with poverty and class. On this perspective, some governments have implemented legislations that ban individuals from hanging clothes in lines. On the contrary, Ontario environment minister has brought up the idea to eliminate clothesline ban in the region. Clotheslines have myriad benefits to people and the environment in general. According to Christopher, clotheslines have a beautiful and romantic outlook to the surrounding. During the author’s visit at different cities, he observed various aesthetic outlook of clothesline. Clotheslines have traditional and more fashionable way of drying clothes in the open sun. On the other hand, the sun has a crucial role in the elimination of bad smell and stains on clothes. There have been myriad legislations