Saturday, August 31, 2019

The Importance of Language and Culture

There are two forms of communications–verbal and non-verbal. Nonverbal communication is usually understood as the process of communication through sending and receiving wordless messages. Language is not the only source of communication, there are other means also. Messages can be communicated through gestures and touch, by body language or posture, by facial expression and eye contact. Meaning can also be communicated through object or artifacts (such as clothing, hairstyles or architecture), symbols, and icons (or graphics). Speech contains nonverbal elements known as paralanguage, including voice quality, rate, pitch, volume, and speaking style, as well as prosodic features such as rhythm, intonation and stress. Dance is also regarded as a form of nonverbal communication. Verbal communication, nonverbal communication, and interpersonal communications all play an important role in different languages and cultures. Sign languages and writing are generally understood as forms of verbal communication, as both make use of words — although like speech, both may contain paralinguistic elements and often occur alongside nonverbal messages. Nonverbal communication can occur through any sensory channel — sight, sound, smell, touch or taste. Nonverbal communication is important as: â€Å"When we speak (or listen), our attention is focused on words rather than body language. But our judgment includes both. An audience is simultaneously processing both verbal and nonverbal cues. Body movements are not usually positive or negative in and of themselves; rather, the situation and the message will determine the appraisal† (Givens, 2000, p. 4). Hair color, gender, race, origin, clothing, appearance, and personality send nonverbal interactions during communication. Communication can be judged many different ways and that is why it is important to understand the different types of communication. Communication failures often result in lack of knowledge of communicating skills. A lot of people do not know or understand what kind of communication they are develop with their appearance. Verbal interactions are not used quite as frequently or not noticed as much. On average, to a moderate degree, women are better at nonverbal communication than are men (Hall, 1979). Verbal communications include body language, facial expressions, eye contact, paralanguage, environment, and the use of silence and time. Several thinks take part in the importance of communication. The world revolves because of communication. Without education to teach us how to communicate we would not be able to resolve important matters in everyday society and at home. Children learn culture through their parents, because they are the primary people in thier lives to teach them how to talk. That is why when children are born they speak and communicate like their family, environment, and origin. It is very important to teach children what communication means rather than just teaching them how to talk. The knowledge of understanding communication is important to be successful at communicating. Language and culture play a huge role in education. Without education the world would be very unorganized. We would not know how to even sign our name or manage our finances. It is important to learn different languages so you can communicate with other origins when needed. You may have to communicate with someone who speaks another language at your local grocer, the bank, the school, the courthouse. There are a wide range of languages in which people speak, and sometimes just because they live in the same country as you it does not mean they know how to speak the same language. When people encounter that can’t speak the same language, verbal communication is the only other way to communicate. Verbal communication often leads to failure to communicate between to origins, because they both communicate differently verbal as well. Language is more than just a means of communication. It influences our culture and even our thought processes. Language is arguably the most important component of culture because much of the rest of it is normally transmitted orally. It is impossible to understand the subtle nuances and deep meanings of another culture without knowing its language well. Different languages are easier to learn at a younger age before completely understanding a first language. Trying to learn a second language can be difficult for an adult, because the language they speak can confuse them while trying to learn. Different languages come from different backgrounds and when crossed can lead to great misunderstanding between the two languages. Anthropologists have found that learning about how people categorize things in their environment provides important insights into the interests, concerns, and values of their culture(Oneil, 2006). Language determines the way a person reviews the world. One’s culture determines the way one processes information and how one copes with reality. Concepts and objects have frames of reference that differ from culture to culture. The meaning of a word partly depends on the culture’s historical relation to the concept or object described. Different cultures see the world differently. Different cultures have different beliefs and values and these are expressed in their language, whether it be verbal or non-verbal. Many misunderstandings occur in intercultural communications because many are unaware of these differences. It is important for one to learn the differences of various cultures for one to understand one’s own identity. It is through knowing about others that one learns what is truly important to oneself. In our American culture, new skills are typically taught and learned through verbal instruction (Slobin, 1979). In some cultures, new skills are learned through nonverbal observation. A distinction has also been made between cultures that encourage independent learning and those that encourage cooperative learning (McLeod, 1994). The power of language to reflect culture and influence thinking was first proposed by an American linguist and anthropologist, Edward Sapir (1884–1939), and his student, Benjamin Whorf (1897–1941). The Sapir–Whorf hypothesis stated that the way we think and view the world is determined by our language (Anderson & Lightfoot, 2002; Crystal, 1987; Hayes, Ornstein, & Gage, 1987). Instances of cultural language differences are evidenced in that some languages have specific words for concepts whereas other languages use several words to represent a specific concept. For example, the Arabic language includes many specific words for designating a certain type of horse or camel (Crystal, 1987). To make such distinctions in English, where specific words do not exist, adjectives would be used preceding the concept label, such as quarter horse or dray horse. Cultural differences have also been noted in the ways in which language is used pragmatically. In our American culture, new skills are typically taught and learned through verbal instruction (Slobin, 1979). In some cultures, new skills are learned through nonverbal observation. A distinction has also been made between cultures that encourage independent learning and those that encourage cooperative learning (McLeod, 1994). Differences in the social roles of adults and children also influence how language is used. Home and school contexts may represent different cultures, subcultures, or both and may influence language acquisition in noticeable ways. Nonverbal cues (e. g. , facial expression) and contextual cues (e. g. , shared experience) have different communicative roles in different cultures (Kaiser & Rasminsky, 2003). People develop their language and culture as a child. It is important to understand different language and cultures to be able to communicate with different people from all around the world. Conflict is a part of most every interpersonal relationship. Managing conflict, then, is important if the relationship is to be long lasting and rewarding. Conflict is an expressed struggle between at least two interdependent parties who perceive incompatible goals, scarce resources, and interference from the other party in achieving their goals. Two sides must communicate about a problem for there to be a conflict. They must also have different perceptions or ideas to create a conflict. The most important thing with an interpersonal relationship is to know how to handle the situation. Avoiding a conflict can cause communication damage and lead to greater problems. It is best that both individuals discuss their differences in a civilized manner. Conflicts can be resolved by trying to understand the other person’s point of view. Criticism and judgment of others only makes the conflict harder to resolve. Communicating openly and honest, asking for opinions, expressing interest, expressing a willingness to listen, and focusing attention on the task are ways to improve a personal conflict with someone. Emotional intelligence represents an ability to validly reason with emotions and to use emotions to enhance thought. Perceiving emotions, using emotions, understanding emotions, and managing emotions play a big role in emotional intelligence. Perceiving emotions is the ability to detect and decipher emotions in faces, pictures, voices, and cultural artifacts. Perceiving emotions represents a basic aspect of emotional intelligence, as it makes all other processing of emotional information possible (Salovey P and Grewal D, 2005). Using emotions is the bility to harness emotions to facilitate various cognitive activities, such as thinking and problem solving. The emotionally intelligent person can capitalize fully upon his or her changing moods in order to best fit the task at hand (Salovey P and Grewal D, 2005). Understanding emotions is the ability to comprehend emotion language and to appreciate complicated relationships among emotions. For example, understanding emotions encompasses the ability to be sensitive to slight variations between emotions, and the ability to recognize and describe how emotions evolve over time (Salovey P and Grewal D, 2005). Managing emotions is the ability to regulate emotions in both ourselves and in others. Therefore, the emotionally intelligent person can harness emotions, even negative ones, and manage them to achieve intended goals ( Salovey P and Grewal D, 2005). All these roles help form emotional intelligence and play a part in successful communication. Even though these aspects all play an important role in emotional intelligence, for most people, emotional intelligence (EQ) is more important than one’s intelligence (IQ) in attaining success in their lives and careers. As individuals our success and the success of the profession today depend on our ability to read other people’s signals and react appropriately to them. Therefore, each one of us must develop the mature emotional intelligence skills required to better understand, empathize and negotiate with other people — particularly as the economy has become more global. Otherwise, success will elude us in our lives and careers (Bressert S. , 2009). Five major categories of emotional intelligence skills are of value to professional accountants ( Bressert S, 2009). Self-awareness, self regulation, motivation, empathy, and social skills are all part of the five major categories of emotional intelligence. Verbal and nonverbal communication, self perception, emotional intelligence, cultural differences, and conflicts are all very important in understand different languages and cultures. Being able to communicate effectively with different cultures has almost became a requirement in today’s society to be able to live successfully. Many different languages and cultures express themselves differently. The most important thing in understand the different cultures is knowing how to communicate with anyone and everyone whom you may come in contact with in your life. Understanding different people and the way they commincate, and all the different types of communication can make a huge difference in communication efforts. Language is obviously a vital tool. Not only is it a means of communicating thoughts and ideas, but it forges friendships, and economic relationships (Kilgour D, 1999). Language, of course, is knowledge, and in our world today knowledge is one of the key factors in competitiveness. Brains and knowledge are what create the prosperity and growth we tend to take for granted. In an advanced industrial society in an increasingly interdependent world, the knowledge of other languages becomes indispensable. Just think of how the advent of the Internet has changed our lives. For the last few years, millions of people across the world, who share common interests, are able to communicate with each other and exchange ideas. Not only are they able to do this due to the various technological advances, but also because they share a common language.

Friday, August 30, 2019

A Student Can Succeed Working 15 Hours per Week

A student can succeed working 15 hours per week. This will be successful with careful time budgeting and the selection of the correct job. The student must create a time budget and carefully allocate the hours to each activity for this to work; deviations from the budget will likely result in loss of sleep, loss of grade point average (GPA) or unsatisfactory job performance.The student must allocate time between class participation, homework, exercise, social events and other extracurricular activities.   Use of alcohol and other light drugs should be avoided, but light usage every once in a while during social activities will not unduly upset the time allocations.The time budget consists of the following allocations: 20 hours per week attending classes; 20 hours per week doing homework and lab work; 7 hours per week exercising; and 7 hours per week socializing and doing other extracurricular activities. Note there is no time allocation for the job, that is because homework will be done while on the job. Although the times for exercising and socializing average 1 hour per day, there is no requirement that these activities need to be done on a daily basis. During exam week and at other critical times, the socializing activities can drop down significantly.Selection of the correct job is critical for the success of the work budget. The job must allow the student to do homework while at work. The jobs best suited for the working student include receptionist, evening watchman, intern jobs for the United States Government (including the CIA and NSA), house sitting, or babysitting.   The job can be worked either 3 hours per weekday or 7.5 hours on the weekends. House sitting is ideal, because it provides a free room and generates income. However, house sitting jobs will be the hardest to get.Government intern jobs pay very well but demand a five year commitment after college which may not be appropriate for all students. Also the student must be working on a tech nical degree, have a clean background, and have a high GPA. Evening watchman will likely be the most available job, but typically requires 40 hours per week not 15. Students may be able to convince a potential employer to share the slot so that an entire 8 hour shift can be covered by three students. Job sharing will be successful if the student schedules do not intersect, which may be difficult.The student also needs to eat and sleep. The time budget requires 8 hours per day for sleep and 3 hours per day for eating. The typical day for the student will be to rise at 7 AM and eat breakfast and then work on homework until the first class of the day at 10 AM. The student will eat lunch and then attend afternoon classes until 4 PM.The student will then do homework until it is time for the job. The student should make a dinner and bring it work to eat there. While on the job the student will read and do other homework assignments until the work period has finished. The job should comple te by 10 PM. The student then should walk home (getting exercise) and go to bed at 11 PM. There should be time during various parts of the day to have conversations with friends and work on hobbies such as music performance.The schedule does not allocate time for the weekends. If the student elects to work during the weekends, then there can be more time allocated during the week for socializing and exercise.The student should not keep an entire week of homework until getting to the job, as that will mean missing key points during the lecture period. So if reading is required for a particular class then that reading should be done before the class starts. Writing term papers and essays will be perfect for the weekend hours as that requires focused attention for several hours. The student should ensure that they will be allowed to bring a laptop computer to the job site. The schedule will allow a student to work 15 hours a week and keep a good GPA.   

New World vs. Old Essay

Global Wine War 2009: New World versus Old 1. How were the French able to dominate the worldwide wine trade for centuries? What sources of competitive advantage did they develop to support their exports? The wine production of France goes all the way back to being part of the first niche market for premium wine. Factor conditions of France, such as land and climate, were well suited for wine-production compared to other European countries. Since the early 19th century cross-border shipping was very expensive, France was able to cluster the related and supporting industries of wine production within their domestic borders. As a result, France increased its competitive advantage throughout other sources without much impact from other countries. As the industry became France’s second largest export, side by side with a culture of rich food, the demand conditions got affected, as consumers were expecting a certain quality. The French government provided the classification systems, which increased the rivalry and domestic competitiveness and raised the entry barriers so that entry of foreign competition was kept at a minimum. 2. Given the longstanding dominance of Old World wine producers, how were the New World producers, such as the Australians, able to expand their market share so rapidly in the 1990s? As postwar increased demand for wine rapidly, factor conditions of the New World producers, such as widely available suitable land and it being less expensive, made it possible to meet the new demand and boosted the New World industry. The new demand conditions demanded higher quality wines and as new generations were born, the consumers got more price-conscious and convenient oriented. New World producers met these changes in demands by introducing a completely new firm strategy, structure, and rivalry compared to the Old World producers, who were constrained by tradition. Innovation was the key word in the New World strategy; suddenly, mechanical technology reduced labor cost and pushed down prices, packaging innovations made distribution easier and provided convenience to the consumers, and technology ensured vintage-to-vintage consistency etc. As well, branding and marketing skills were performed on the basis of vintage-to-vintage consistency, which gave the consumers further preferences and strengthened the position of the New World producers globally. This made them capable at expanding even more rapidly. The New World producers changed the traditional patterns of related and supporting industries, which used to being long value-chains, as the big producers now controlled the full value chain, able to extract margins and control quality at every level. The size now gave them bargaining power – a power, which made them have a strong grip on the importing countries. The New World producers had created a strong innovative company culture; a culture that could easily adapt to the changes of consumer culture and government regulations. New generations were born and so was the rise of fashion in a completely different culture of lighter consumption. The New World producers responded to the swings of fashion by taking advantage of the factor conditions: much capacity and regulatory freedom. This was the complete opposite to what the Old World producers were able to do – still constrained by the long history of wine-making tradition and lack of innovation. By that, the New World producers were always a few steps ahead of the Old World producers when the global patterns changed.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

(HSBC Holdings Plc Deutsche Bank AG)To what extent can differences in Essay

(HSBC Holdings Plc Deutsche Bank AG)To what extent can differences in the business strategy or pattern of corporate governance of these two companies be expla - Essay Example This includes, managing funds, investments, and stakeholders. The businesses operate within a complex system of interests and influences. Bebchuk et al. (1) contend that corporate governance arrangements can substantially affect shareholders. While identifying the stakeholders, the corporate are supposed to look beyond the formal structure of the organization. Therefore it is required to have a look at informal and indirect relationships as well. With growing influence of media and politics managing the corporate houses have become more challenging task. Political parties require campaign funds, while corporate houses want sympathizers in the government. In this paper an attempt has been made to study the corporate governance principles of two of the leading banks viz. HSBC and Deutsche Bank AG. Both these banks have been serving its customers over a wide range of segments and markets in different countries, while competing with each other in some of the markets. Corporate governance structures and styles vary in the environment they operate. This variation may result in the form of different countries, types of market forces, prevailing economic conditions, types of customers/ consumers available, internal as well as external environment of the country, competitors available in the market etc. Gillan (3) draws a Corporate Governance and the Balance Sheet Model of the Firm as shown below; The left hand side of the diagram depicts the elements of internal governance system, while the right hand side shows the elements of external governance with pulls and pressures from debt-holders and other stakeholders. A composite system of corporate governance takes into account both the internal as well as external factors. Therefore comparing HSBC and Deutsche bank we find that both these banks have been offering a range of services, including asset management; cash management; securities issuance and trading; and conventional banking. Both the banks serve individual as well as corporate clients. But there is lot of difference in the way these banks have formulated strategies for serving the corporate needs. At the Deutsche the corporate banking & securities division is divided into five business units namely; Global markets; Global Equities, Global Corporate Finance, Loan exposure management group (LEMG) and Global banking division. On the other hand the corporate, investment banking and markets division in HSBC is organized into three units, namely; Global markets; Corporate and investment banking; and Group investment businesses. This shows that while Deutsche prefers to place specialist workforce for special needs, HSBC prefers to have wants its managers to specialize in more than one field. One ap parent reason for this difference in strategies is because of the area of operation of both these banks. While HSBC has to its footprints over a large area in around 80 countries in five regions, Deutsche bank operates in around 75 countries, but Deutsche bank primarily operates in Germany, the rest of Europe, North America and certain parts of Asia-Pacific. Therefore the area of operation is comparatively larger for HSBC. Asia-Pacific, where HSBC has more presence is quite complex region as there are wide variations in market requirements, consumer behavior, forms of government etc. Liberalization regime that has come along with

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Crime in Perspective-105 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Crime in Perspective-105 - Essay Example One’s personal contention is that crime is the result of environmental conditions, such as poverty, urban pressures and a poor home life, which is consistent with social theories where society fails to control and monitor activities that could prevent criminal behavior. Crime is the result of failure to establish strong bonds with society: family, community, and productive peers. The strong attachment and appropriate support from parents and siblings could provide the initial and crucial bond to prevent tendencies for criminal behavior. Likewise, the involvement in rewarding activities, including pursuing continuing education and the recognition to contribute to society through employment would enable one to refrain from delinquent behavior. The circle of friends with positive backgrounds would provide one with a holistic and well balanced disposition in life. When society fails to provide an appropriate environment that would support and sustain humane living conditions and h as inefficiently implemented rules and legislations that would monitor and prevent deviant behavior, then, an environment of crime is initiated. References Reader's Digest.

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Landscape Archaeology Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Landscape Archaeology - Essay Example in God, landscape painting, cartography and human enterprise, among others, to illustrate how humans have usurped nature, superimposed sophisticated concepts over it, and bent it to their own purposes. Using concepts fleshed out by such philosophers of science as Heidegger, Thomas moves on to explain human concepts of place and how ‘purpose’ is always superimposed thereon. ‘A place is always the place of something.’ (pp173) He also shows how landscapes seem to be contained within a frame: visual or conceptual, and of course monetary or pecuniary. Humans attach value to place, whether or not it is land, developed or otherwise. They also impose meanings of time, as evidence by the article itself; the value placed on findings from the past; as well as practical present-time use. In addition, Thomas shows a connection between land and the cosmos, seen as early as Neolithic times. Tombs, houses and henges not only formed part of the land form, but had some sort of attachment or reference to the skies and astral bodies; so that the passing of time and seasons were understood to affect the land and places where people lived and died, even from such an early time. We are deluding ourselves, Thomas suggests, if we try and interpret archaeological findings within the landscape using our modern mindsets. (pp 180) We would always fail if we superimposed our way of seeing things over whatever remnant of early undertakings we find. We cannot ultimately gain access to the meanings given to, and the uses of, the environment by early civilisations. He gives the examples of evidence of large gatherings in long houses, discoveries of human remains, patterns of movements between and around monuments, and other details studied through visions and understandings that are necessarily limited (or overly expanded) by modern knowledge. Thomas uses the literature, citing Gow, Frazer and Berger among many others, to extrapolate a theory of anthro-centrism: a superimposition (and

Monday, August 26, 2019

Transportation Excellence Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Transportation Excellence - Essay Example Another reason why transport costs are increasing is the increasing focus of companies to give total satisfaction to the customers who want to enjoy the good here and now, or at least, as soon as possible. Included among these customers are those who buy on impulse after seeing an ad on the television and who expect the product to be available at the nearest corner store. This is a perennial supply chain challenge to transportation services. Well, perhaps this is an exaggeration, but it brings home the point that the desire of consumers for instant gratification is one of the factors that drive up the share of transportation costs in the price of the final product. This also why companies are getting obsessed with transport speed, efficiency, and costs. It is therefore easy to understand why the excellence of the overall supply chain is linked to the excellence of the transportation system. Any breakdowns or snags in the latter (transport) would greatly affect the performance of the former (SCM). Transportation systems are but one component of SCM, but it is a major one that accounts for a big chunk of the total cost of implementing SCM. As the case material indicates, transportation costs can range between 3 and 7 percent of total sales, and this amounts to millions of dollars of expenses each year even for small- and mid-sized companies. This is why SCM practitioners call this the low-hanging fruit where improvements can raise profits considerably: every percentage point in transport cost savings go directly to the bottom line. Take as an example the simple solution of improving transport efficiency by doubling the capacity of a delivery van. For almost the same cost, you automatically halve the transport cost of the goods delivered because one trip allows you to deliver twice as much. Of course, improving transportation efficiency is not as simple as that, because most SCM solutions require goods to be delivered at the right amount, at the right time, and to the right place. This means that dumping twice the inventory to a buyer would not always be welcome. It may even lead to losses if the goods are not sold and returned. There are four ways for companies to take control of transportation processes and bring down transportation related costs: process improvement, shipment optimization (which is the example we cited above), continuous moves, and carrier management. Of these four, we will focus on the first: process improvement. Process improvement involves changing (for the better, hence, an improvement) the way that key transportation and logistics processes are carried out. There are several ways of doing this. The first is by automating key processes using advanced transportation management systems (TMS). Automation applied to manual tasks like shipment planning, carrier selection, tendering and acceptance can cut down errors and inefficiencies by

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Is Nationalism a Rational Phenomenon Coursework

Is Nationalism a Rational Phenomenon - Coursework Example Nationalism turns out to be involuntary when a member of a country is born in a particular nation. It was not a choice to be born there so it becomes involuntary. People who permanently change their citizenship and get that of another country are voluntary, members of their country of choice. Thus, voluntary. The concept of nationalism is deeply intertwined with questions like; - What does a nation refer to and what is the meaning of national identity. - What does it mean to belong to a nation? - Is this nation membership non-voluntary or voluntary? - Is nationalism rational? - Is it appropriate to always care about one’s national identity? - How much should one care about nationalism? Nationalism is also viewed as a doctrine that believes that a nation which is at this point defined as a culture or ethnicity is entitled to be an autonomous or independent political community that has its basis on a common destiny or a shared history. Those who are very extreme about nationalism define it in terms of genetics or even race. Nationalism highly influences the history of the world. Over the past years, nationalism has been written off from philosophic debates. It has however surfaced in the philosophy arena especially as a result of the constant troublesome nationalists' clashes for instance in Yugoslavia. The rush of nationalism normally presents an ambivalent that is moral and creates a very interesting picture. The fight for political independence and national awakening is known to be cruel to humanity but at the same time heroic.It leads to the creation of a full and free state that passionately responds to deep sentiments. However, in the process of attaining this, inhuman and violently explosive mechanisms are used to clean the nation off of the non-nationals even to the tune of well organized and executed mass murder.

Saturday, August 24, 2019

The role of Business Analysis within organsiations and how it has Research Paper

The role of Business Analysis within organsiations and how it has evolved over the past thirty years - Research Paper Example Concurrent with globalization is the fast phase development in computer and information technology. The developments in the field transformed not only information itself but also the manner of its collection, handling, processing and storing (Axelrod 2004). In this regard, both globalization and information technology have undeniably altered the nature of business and the manner of conducting businesses (Stead & Stead 2006). In light of these developments, the paper will be looking into the role and evolution of business analysis within the last thirty years and possibly come up with trends and projections within the field in the next five years. In this regard, this study aims to understand the notion of business analysis. Likewise, it aims to identify the role of business analysis in an organization. Finally, it tries to know what will be the possible trends and developments in the field of business analysis in the next five years. As such, the main questions of the research are ‘what is the role of business analysis?’ and ‘where is business analysis going?’ These questions are significant because it deals with one concrete instance in contemporary society where the needs of society and technology meet (Mumford 2006) and it seeks to find out how to enhance further the symbiotic relation between man and technology in the business world. To address the questions of the study, a documentary research had been conducted. The electronic databases Academic Source Premier, Business Source Premier, Jstor, and Google Scholar had been searched using the combination of the following key terms: business analysis, computer and information technology, globalization, nature of organization, and business. Articles written only in English and published in journals from the period of 2005 – 2010 had been selected. Likewise, books and empirical studies had been included in the searched. Excluded in the selection were monographs, position papers, editorials and

Friday, August 23, 2019

Use of the slit-lamp for anterior segment examination of the eye Case Study

Use of the slit-lamp for anterior segment examination of the eye - Case Study Example In my clinical placement in the Ophthalmology, I had a chance to examine a patient who presented complaining of decrease in vision. For confidentiality and ethical reasons, the identity of this patient remains undisclosed. However, this 65-year-old gentleman presented to the clinic, and when I was instructed to do a slit-lamp examination, it felt that it was an opportunity to use academic learning in practice, and I was very excited. In order to arrive at a diagnosis, I obtained these systemic medical history and family ocular history, since these are important for assessing a patient's risk factors for ocular disease. Just as with other body systems, reliable historical information allows the clinician to more appropriately direct the physical examination (Quillen, 1999).I probed into his recent complaints in terms of the onset, duration, and associated symptoms, since knowledge about these can guide me to the correct diagnosis. I asked him about his prior good and equal vision in b oth eyes. Then I asked him whether the problem were on the both eyes, and how could he not note it for last 1 year. He said that he was going on with his frequent changes in glasses, which he thought was natural at his age. While watching television, he suddenly discovered that his vision in the right eye was a lot better than the left, and when he attempted to watch TV with one eye, he was surprised to discover that with the left eye alone, the pictures were hazy. Moreover, he could see better at the periphery than at the centre. He had no pain, distortion of the sight, and no double vision. These were very suggestive and significant pieces of information since they narrow down the clinical differential diagnosis further, and helps the examiner to design the clinical examination in a better way. The suggestive better peripheral vision, differential vision between the eyes and absence of distortion, pain, and double vision led to the impression that I need to focus in the anterior s egment of the eye while conducting his examination (Age-Related Eye Disease Study Research Group, 2001). General Examination When I decided to carry out an examination, I felt that a patient with decreasing vision requires a complete examination to determine the cause of the visual decline. Therefore, I started to do a systematic examination. I performed a general examination of the eyes in good diffuse light, and I felt that it would lead me to the possible diagnosis, so later I can do a slit-lamp examination. The general examination began with the examination of the eyelids and the conjunctival sac. He was elderly and had some amount of sagging of the eyelids. On palpation, the lid margins did not demonstrate any swelling. There was no redness in the conjunctivae. The eyelashes were normal. There was no evidence of any inflammation or blepharitis in both the lid margins. In order to examine the conjunctival sac, it was necessary to expose the palpebral conjunctiva and the fornices. Due to age, his fornices were shallow. There was no crusting, follicles, conjunctival papillae, or pseudomembrane indicating chronic or acute inflammation contributing his diminished vision. I drew down his lower lid while he was asked to look towards the ceiling, and the lower fornix looked normal. This excluded any inflammation of the lower lid and swelling that can compromise vision temporarily. The upper lid was everted to examine the upper palpebral conjunc

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Physical Tamper-Resistant Devices Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Physical Tamper-Resistant Devices - Essay Example In this scenario, encryption keys are stored in a computer that can be vulnerable to abuse, use, or alter by an illegal user or an attacker. For various reasons one of the most important techniques to secure encryption keys is to store them in a more protected tamper resistant hardware system. These systems can be utilized for a wide variety of applications varying from protected online cash transfer to e-mail and credit card transactions. In fact, they provide physical safety to the encryption keys saved inside them, as a result making sure that these security keys have not been illegally modified or read. Naturally, attaining access to the information and data on tamper resistant device necessitates knowledge of a password (or PIN) that exactly what kind of system access can be attained using this information and data depends on the device (EMC Corporation., 2012; Anderson & Kuhn, 2000). There are different types of physical tamper-resistant devices and each device has different ch aracteristics. Basically, physical tamper-resistant devices are based on some kind of seals, locks, covers, coatings, and tamper response and detection mechanisms. According to FIPS 140 security levels there are basically four levels of physical security management standards. For the sake of application of a physical tamper-resistant system, the level 1 is about the implementation of some primary requirements on cryptographic algorithms. In this scenario, there are no such physical security devices at this level. The level 2 of the physical tamper-resistant system is based on the tamper evident seals or coating. While at level 3 we have an improved physical security system that can stop illegal access to systems and devices. The level 4 is based on extremely dependable tamper detection and response devices that can instantly erase the entire secret data (Anderson & Kuhn, 2000; NIST, 2001). In addition, the physical tamper-resistant can be of different types for example for the sake of devices’ warranties and support management we have tamper evident seals. These seals can deal with a tempering of opening devices. Such seals are used to make sure that warranties and support services still be offered (ommerling & Kuhn, 1999). In addition, for the sake of technology based systems security management we make use of the tamper resistant microprocessors. Such microprocessors are utilized to store as well as process sensitive and private data and information. To stop security breaches and attacks from illegal source such chips make it difficult for the outsiders to get access to sources as well as make sure that these resources are accessed only by the embedded software. Another kind of tamper resistance devices is known as DRM. These devices can include set-top boxes, smart cards and other technology based systems which are utilized for the management of digital rights. Additionally, some software applications are also used for tamper resistance. However, the se systems are not similar to above discussed physical devices but have embedded instructions to lock the system after a specific number of illegal attempts or destroy the data as well (Anderson & Kuhn, 1997; ommerling & Kuhn, 1999). According to my point of view tamper resistant systems are similar to bank vaults. Such kinds of system are characterized through the outer device case design for solid access management scheme. Someone needs high level methods and tools to breach such security based system. However, some of the systems are tamper responding systems which are based on the idea of the burglar alarm method. Such kind of security mechanism is based on detection of some illegal activity or intrusion and notifying the responsible staff for such issues.

History - French Revolution Essay Example for Free

History French Revolution Essay I truly believe it was the collective effect of all the causes of the French Revolution that finally caused the people to rise up. In 1789 the people of France were suffering under the rule of Louis XVI, who used the countries money to provide him and his family the most luxurious life imaginable, while the people starved. The political regime of the time was a absolute monarchy (regime in which the country is ruled by a King or Queen, who inherit this position and has absolute power), but in theory there was a form of parliament, Estates General that consisted of elected representatives. This group of people could only meet if the King allowed or requested the meeting and in the 175 years of the parliament’s existence there had not been a single meeting. This fact frustrated the people because the King did not take their opinion and needs in consideration. Louis XVI would do as he pleased, a clear example of that was placing people in jail for no absolute reason except maybe his dislike for them. During the 18th century France was in a number of wars leaving the country with a lot of debts. In 1780’s the country had to borrow more money simply to pay interest (the amount of money paid on the money borrowed) on their debts. The royal family had a lifestyle the country could not support because only the lower classes were taxed, the peasants (people who worked on the land), while the higher classes, clergy (the religious leaders, individuals that worked for the roman catholic church, ex: priests) and the nobles (entities with a high social rank, ex: Ladies and Lords) did not pay tax at all. In other words the tax system needed a urgent reform (improvement). The social structure was horribly unfair. It was divided in three groups that were called â€Å"Estates†. The first estate was the Clergy, the people who belong to this estate worked for the Roman Catholic Church, which was at the time the main religion in France. At this specific stage in time the church owned a lot of land and most of their high officials were extremely wealthy. The Nobles formed the second estate. They were given many special rights and privileges. The third estate was made up of 98% of the people. This estate was where all the peasants, middle class traders and all kinds of professionals (ex. Lawyers). They paid heavy tax and had absolutely no privileges at all. Above all the estates was the King and his family with the absolute power. â€Å"It was the collective effect of all the causes of the French Revolution that finally caused the people to rise up. † History Essay Lara Ismael Nogueira Martha  For many centuries people in the whole of Europe accepted the authority of both their Kings and the Roman Catholic Church, a clear example of that was the â€Å"Divine Right of Kings† (this concept simply means that people believed their Kings and Queens were a representation of God and had to be respected and adored as such). Finally during the 18th century many philosophers started questioning these ideas. These period was called the Age of Enlightenment because the people began to question the old ways, led by the church, and created their own. Science had great advances during these times because everything was new, there was something to be discovered everyday†¦ it was at this point that Theocentrism (God in the center of the universe) was put aside and gave room for a complete new way of thinking and living, Anthropocentrism (man in the center of the universe). Diderot was a clear example of a philosopher that question the church and made his opinion well known. He was the leader of a group made up of philosophers that called themselves the â€Å"Encyclopaedists†, they’re goal was to write a series of books called â€Å"Encyclopaedia† (books that contained all existing knowledge). As they began to write the books they became more and more aware of the situation in France. They made their books public, therefore everyone could read them, this act helped spread the revolutionary ideas more than they already were. As the popularity of the Encyclopaedia grew so did the need for individual opinions. Another great example was Rousseau he was the true star, known as the father of democracy, he believed in equality among the people, and wrote about rules that weren’t based or chosen by God but by the people. This was the basic principles of democracy. In May of 1789 the representatives formed the National Assembly and met outside Paris against the Kings will and started a process of reform. They vowed to continue working until they had drawn up a new constitution for the country. However the process was very slow and the people of Paris grew impatient, the bread prices were constantly rising and the unemployment rate grew. On the 14th of July of 1789 angry people invaded the Bastille, killed the governor also some of the soldiers who tried to stop them and freed prisoners. When the news of the takeover reached other parts of France the ordinary people revolted and just like that the revolution started. â€Å"It was the collective effect of all the causes of the French Revolution that finally caused the people to rise up. † History Essay Lara Ismael Nogueira Martha In conclusion all this events such as the rise of bread prices and the unemployment rate in the country, the lack of interest the King showed for his people’s needs and the unfairness between classes made the people of France stand up for all they believed they deserved and needed.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Industrial building and copper material

Industrial building and copper material 1.Introduction â€Å"I grow more intense as I age.† (Florida Scott-Maxwell) Copper is one of the most durable and aesthetically pleasing roofing and cladding options available for domestic to bigger commercial and industrial buildings. The copper forms a protective barrier around it as soon as it reacts to the atmosphere. This allows the material to improve and to stand against the test of time. 2. Aim The aim of this report is to introduce the reader to copper as a roofing material in the building industry. Standing seam copper roofing and cladding to multi-storey buildings will be the focus of this report. 3. Why copper? Copper is used in the building industry because of its durability and the ease of instalment and workability. A properly installed copper roof will outlast other types of roofing systems. Copper is 100%recyclableand does not lose any quality whether in a raw state or after it was used as a manufactured product. According to the Copper Development Association (CDA. 2010), copper is one of the most recycled metals, roughly 80% of the copper ever mined is still used in some form today. 4. History of copper roofs Copper has been a very important material to man since ancient times. So much so that one of the main stages of mankinds history is named after a copper alloy, bronze-age. Copper and its many alloys have had a vital role in many civilizations. In the Roman period it was mined in Cyprus, this resulted to the metal being named Cyprium, this name was later shortened to Cuprum and ultimately we know it in English as copper. Today, most copper is mined from open cast mines around the world. The copper is extracted from smelting large amounts of copper ore, before being refined to the copper we use and know. In the early 18th century about 90% of the worlds copper was smelted in South Wales (COPPER Africa. 2010). Copper has been used as a waterproof roofing material since ancient times. It can be seen on roofs and domes on todays buildings. It is recognizable by its greenish colour. This colouring is because of the atmosphere reacting with the copper to form a protective barrier against corrosion around it. Initially, exposed Copper atoms react with the air to form the pink oxide, this is called cuprite. This slowly oxidizes more to the black oxide, called tenorite. When this black oxide gets wet it reacts with sulfur dioxide and carbon dioxide from the air to ultimately form the patina, which gives it a green glimmer. Technology and improved techniques make copper the perfect building material for roofing, cladding and the accessories going with roofing systems. More and more pre-fabricated copper products on the market have reduced the cost and this enabled copper to be used in more buildings than in the past. 5. Types of roofing systems. Copper roofs have been known to last for over 700 years; the substructure rather than the copper itself ultimately fails. The ductility and malleability of copper allows it to form over irregular roof forms and structures. Domes and other curved roof shapes are a speciality when it comes to copper. New tools and construction methods have been introduced that give support to the quick, correct, and cost-effective installation of copper roofs. Types of copper roofing systems include: 5.1. Standing Seam Roofing Standing seam, the most common system, roofing consists of pre-fabricated or in-situ formed pans. The copper pans and are joined together with double locked standing seams. Copper cleats lock into these seams to fix the roofing to the base structure. This method prevents the pans or sheets from slipping down the roof. 5.2. Batten Seam Roofing Batten seam roofing consists of copper pans that runs parallel to the angle of the roof and is separated by wood battens. The battens are then covered with copper copings that are fixed to the battens. These copings lock the loose pans into adjacent pans. 5.3. Chevron Roofing A common Chevron roof design is based on normal batten seam construction, but secondary battens are fixed to the roof. These extra battens are purely decorative and do not add to the functionality or structure of the roof. 5.4. Flat Seam Roofing Flat seam roofing systems are generally used on roofs that are flat or have a very low pitch. Flat seam roofing is constructed of rectangular copper sheets. Two neighbouring sides of the sheets are folded over and two are folded under to lock them in place. Copper cleats are then installed seams to make the roof waterproof. 5.5. Horizontal Seam Roofing Horizontal seam roofs consist of copper pans that run horizontally across the roof pitch. At each fixing point or edge a step is used to allow neighbouring pans to lock successfully. 5.6. Mansard Roofing A Mansard roof is, based and is very similar to standing seam or batten seam construction. 6. Standing Seam Copper Roofing and Cladding Standing seam, the most common system, roofing consists of pre-fabricated or in-situ formed pans. The pans and are joined together with double locked standing seams. Copper cleats lock into these seams to fix the roofing to the base structure. This method prevents the pans or sheets from slipping down the roof. When preformed copper pans are used, they are joined at the top and lower ends by slanting seams. In-situ formed pans involve the use of copper sheets on rolls which are shaped into pans by electrical pan formers. This allows one to form long, continuous pans, this eliminates the need for seams, but if this method is used, one must allow for expansion joints due to the expansion and contraction properties of the copper. 6.1. General design considerations 6.1.1. High Winds In areas where high winds occur, the roof design must be evaluated to make sure the roof can resist the wind forces. High winds can put great positive or negative pressures on roofs, especially the edges, so the detailing must ensure that the roof is secure. 6.1.2. Heavy Rain Where heavy rain is likely, the designer must give allot of thought and attention to the slope, seam details, valleys, gutters and downpipes of the roof. The seam heights can be adjusted if it is necessary. 6.1.3. Ice and Snow In areas where there is allot of ice and snow, the designer should make provision for the loads that act on the roof from the weight of the snow or ice. Increasing the slope so that the snow can slide of the roof must be considered. 6.1.4. Temperature Range When the temperature fluctuates, the copper and any adjacent materials will expand and contract in different ways. This should be taken into consideration. This is important when installing components with potential limits to movement in one direction. 6.1.5. Building Orientation Consideration should be given to the relationships between the roof and the direction wind, rain, and sun. The issues discussed above will depend on the orientation of the building. 6.1.6. Staining Staining occurs when water that was in contact with the copper runs of and gets absorbed by other materials. Staining of the other materials can be avoided with good design. Copper salts form on the surface of a copper sheet due to the natural weathering of copper. When these salts are mixed with rain water and the water run on to other materials, it will cause the typical green stains. To prevent such stains, the designer must take all option into consideration to prevent run-off onto other adjacent materials. One can use a clear, silicon-based finish on cement surfaces to help protect the surface during the first and most harsh weathering of the copper. 6.1.7. Patination The natural weathering process that leads to the green patina to form on the exposed copper takes allot of years. There are processes available to speed up this process. 6.2. Material 6.2.1. Types of copper in the building industry Copper in the building industry is 99.9 % pure copper. There are three different types of copper used in the building industry, namely: Deoxidized copper This is copper that contains no oxygen. It is used in plumbing applications where welding is required or for engineering purposes. Fire refined tough pitch copper This copper contains oxygen and is stronger than deoxidized copper. It has higher thermal and electrical conductivity and has a higher resistance to corrosion than deoxidized copper. This type of copper is used mainly for roof and cladding applications. Electrolytic tough pitch copper This copper contains fewer impurities than fire refined tough pitch copper and is used for electrical conductors because of its high. Lead-Coated Copper Lead-coated copper is a strong, lightweight, durable and easy to install, gray metal finish option of copper. It does not add to the life of a copper roof, but it provided another colour to architectural copper applications. In-addition, the gray finish offers a solution to the staining issue. The run-off of this metal is less than that of conventional copper, and it doesnt stain the other materials. 6.2.2. Hardness in Copper Sheets Quarter-hard is defined by its ability to be bent back onto itself along the grain boundary without breaking. Half-hard can be bent 90 °. Soft is good for decorative applications. The hardness of the metal determines the application. If your copper project involves supporting any kind of weight, stick to harder tempers. 6.2.3. Cold Rolled Copper Sheets Copper comes in many forms and strengths. It is very important to specify the correct grading and type of copper to be used with the specific application. Copper used for a standing seam roofing system comes as a sheet, rolled up in a spool, called roofing copper (Copalcor). The width of the sheet is 600mm and comes in thicknesses of 0.50 to 0.70mm. 6.2.4. Corrosion Resistance Copper does not respond to water, but it gradually reacts with the oxygen in the atmosphere. This results in a brown-black copper oxide deposit forming on the surface. This creates a protective layer on the surface that prevents the copper against additional corrosion. Verdigris, a green layer of copper carbonate can be seen on aged copper constructions, like on the Statue of Liberty. 6.2.5. Electrical and Thermal Conductivity Copper and its alloys are excellent conductors of electricity and heat. Copper is the most common of all metals in these applications because of its great properties. Copper alloys have less electrical and thermal conductivity than pure copper. 6.2.6. Ease of Fabrication Copper can be shaped to the required form and dimensions by any of the common fabricating processes. It is normally rolled, pressed, extruded, forged and formed at high temperatures. 6.2.7. Joining Mechanical fasteners, such as screws, bolts, and rivets are the simplest joining method. They typically do not need specific tools for installation, and it can be taken apart and be reassembled again. Adhesives can also be used in some applications. The strength and reliability of the bond depends on the surface preparation, adhesive selection, and the design of the joint. The three common ways of joining copper and alloys are soldering, brazing, and welding. Where a water tight seal is required, soldering may be used. Lead or tin-based filler metals are typically used. Soldered joints typically depend on mechanical fasteners for strength. This method is used for sealing joints in gutters, roofing, and flashings. Because the filler material does not match copper in colour, soldering should just be used in hidden joints. Brazing is the most preferred method for joining copper pipes and tubes. Colour matching is a problem again. The final metallurgical joining method, welding, is seldom used with copper. Welding uses high temperature or pressure to fuse the metals together. 6.2.8. Finishes There are three generic categories of finishes for copper alloys. Mechanical treatments Mechanical treatments are finishes that are typically applied at the shop by mechanical means. They usually affect only the surface of the copper. There are five standard mechanical designated finishes: * As Fabricated: This is the finish after its production process, such as rolling, extrusion, or casting. * Buffed: Polishing the copper to a smooth, mirror-like appearance. This is the brightest mechanical finish available. * Directional Textured: Wheel or belt polishing with fine aggregates is required for this finish and results in a continuous pattern of very fine, almost parallel scratches. * Non-directional Textured: This matte finish is mainly used on castings. The copper is usually sandblasted to achieve a certain degree of roughness. * Patterned: A process in which a copper alloy sheet is pressed between two rolls to produce a pattern. Chemical treatments Coatings. 6.3. Preparation 6.3.1. Surface Preparation The surface preparation is the same for all copper roofing systems. The surface must be dry, smooth and free from any sharp edges or objects like nails or screws. 6.3.2. Supporting Substrate Standing seam roofing and cladding requires the installation of a backing substructure that support the copper finish layer, This substrate usually consists of 20 – 22mm S.A.P tongue and grooved boarding fixed to the main structure. However, any substrate can be installed, as long as the copper has the necessary support. Other backing options include: * Chipboard * Plywood This decking can be fixed to any main structure like steel or concrete. The design must, however, provide for the installation and fixing of the wood substrate. 6.3.3. Fastening the pans to the substrate There are three ways of fixing the copper sheets to the substrate namely: Cleating This is the most frequently used fixing method, because it allows the copper to move, because of expansion and compression under different temperatures. Cleating minimizes the potential for buckling. The cleats are usually spaced at a minimum of 600mm centre to centre and are fixed to the substructure with 2.8 x 22 mm copper clout-headed nails. Nailing Nails are used to fix the cleats to the substrate or in special cases where no movement is wanted, usually at base flashing or at eave strips. Only one edge of a strip should be nailed, to allow movement at the other end of the stip. All nails should be flathead, wire slating nails made from hard copper, brass, or bronze. Screwing This method is used where the copper must be held in place, such as at a ridge cap in areas with high winds. It is also used to secure copper to brickwork. Screws must have a wide or big head to prevent the screw from cutting into the copper. Lead washers may be used for additional protection. Where the screw must be water tight, a small copper cap is soldered over the screw head. All fasteners must be of copper or copper alloys to prevent the different materials to react with each other and speed up the corrosion process. 6.3.4. Roofing Felt The entire surface should be covered with an accepted and properly specified underlay material secured to the decking with copper clout nails. The underlay, which is usually soaked roofing felt, acts as a pillow, as well as providing temporary weather protection for the roof deck. A sheet of building paper must be applied over the felt. Some roofing felt contains tarmac and, because copper conduct heat, the rising temperatures can cause the tarmac to melt and bond the copper to the roofing felt. This restricts the movement of the copper roof and can result in the failure of the system. The building paper acts as a slip sheet to prevent such bonding. 6.4. Equipment and Tools 6.4.1. Pan formers and seamers A wide selection of power pan formers and power seamers are available to help with the construction of copper roofs. Power pan formers can take flat sheets of copper and make standing seam roofing pans on site. The machines form high quality, consistent pans in any length. The length is only limited by the contractors ability to transport and handle the material. Pan formers can work with various sheet widths and can make pans with varying seam heights. The standing seam is typically 150mm high. Power seamers are used to produce finished standing or batten seams. The seamers clamp onto the sheet of copper and then propel themselves under electrical power to form the seam. They can form seams of almost any length. 6.4.2. Panel curving machine This machine allows the contractor to curve the panels to any radius. Convex or concave forms can be curved. 6.4.3. Gutter forming machine This machine allows the contractor to make gutters on site and install them in workable lengths or sections. 6.5. Construction and Detailing This birds-eye view of a standing seam copper roof shows the basic concept. 6.5.1. Pans Standing seam roofing consists of pre-fabricated or in-situ formed pans. Copper cleats lock into these seams to fix the roofing to the base structure. This method prevents the pans or sheets from slipping down the roof. 0.6 mm Copper sheeting with a width of 600 mm is used to form the pans. The end product is pans of 510 mm wide that is joined by forming a 30 mm double welded standing seam as shown below. 6.5.2. The Standing Seam System 6.5.3. Detail at Parapet Wall A copper coping is attached to the higher edge of copper siding using a single lock seam. This cover extends over the parapet and is fixed into a continuous lock strip that is on the back side of the parapet wall. 6.5.4. Stepped Flashing Detail Stepped flashing is used where a sloped roof meets a masonry wall. A typical example is where a brick chimney rises above a roof. The details shown concentrate on such chimney flashings, but apply to other situations as well. There are two ways of installing stepped flashings. One type uses pieces of copper base flashing installed with each course of shingles. The second, most common type uses a single copper runner under the roof covering. This runner is attached before the roofing material is installed. The roof portion of this runner flashing has a hooked edge and is cleated at 300 mm c.c. The base flashing is extended up the wall a minimum of 170 mm (two bricks). This requires the cap flashing to be in two pieces, a flashing and a counter flashing. This stepped flashing is used on the two sloped sides of the chimney. The lower sides are flashed with a copper apron that covers the roof covering. 6.5.5. Detail at Valley This detail shows an option for resolving the waterproofing at a valley of a standing seam roof. The copper roofing overlaps the valley flashing a minimum of 150mm and is folded and fixed into a continuous copper strip. The locking strip is soldered to the valley flashing. An alternative option is to use a double fold in the valley flashing, as a replacement for of a locking strip. Both methods are shown. 6.5.6. Detail at Hip This detail shows a standing seam of a copper hip roof. This method allows the standing seam to be hidden by a ridge cap which allows for both a clean facade and weather tight seal. 6.5.7. Detail at Gutter The detail shows the recommended method for the installation of a gutter with copper roofs. A copper gutter is supported by a brass bracket. The upper edge of the gutter extends at least 150 mm onto the roof and is folded over and held by cleats at 300 mm c.c. Copper braces at 750 mm centres can be placed at the mid-points between brackets. If the gutter width is more than 150 mm or in areas with ice and snow, brass straps should also be used to increase the strength of the gutter. These must extend at least 150 mm onto the roof. The area around screws and the strap must be soldered to ensure water tightness. 6.5.8. Detail at Ridge Two options of detailing a ridge are shown. The seams are laid to overlap a minimum of 150 mm from the ridge. InDetail 1, a copper ridge cap is used to fix the standing seams along the ridge. The ridge cap is locked into the top edges of the copper pans. This allows for expansion and contraction. InDetail 2, the ridge is created by a wood batten that is cladded with a copper cap. 12.1.1. Detail at Gable 12.1.2. Expansion Great care must be given to the contraction and the expansion of copper due to the thermal characteristics of the material. Detail should always allow for expansion and contraction. 6.6. Maintenance Because of coppers long life as a building material it is exposed to long term pollutants or dirt. The main problem of cleaning copper roofing is that you can permanently stain or damage the copper. The cleaning methods of copper have been perfected over many years. 6.6.1. To remove encrusted dirt deposits The most common cleaning method is to blow the surface with Walnut shell dust at a pressure of about 2 3 bar. This forces the dirt crust to lift off the surface without damaging the copper. 6.6.2. To clean unevenly patinated copper: Use a sponge to clean the copper. Use a mixture of six parts concentrated phosphoric acid to one part concentrated nitric acid diluted by 50 percent distilled water. Leave the acid solution on the copper for one minute. After the minute wash the roof again with a sponge soaked in sodium bicarbonate solution. Rinse of all the acid with fresh water afterwards. Then you apply ammonium oxalate as a second neutralizer to even out any remains left by the first neutralizer. Rinse off with fresh water afterwards and wipe the cleaned copper with a clean cotton cloth until no colour shows on the cloth. Wipe the surface again with a cloth soaked with mineral spirits until no colour shows on the cloth. Apply a thin coat of carnauba wax. When the wax wears off, the copper will start its repatination again. This procedure can be used when you replace sections of a patinated copper roof or when you do an addition to an existing copper roof. Treating the existing copper roof will let the new addition patinate together with the existing roof, resulting in an even colour for both the old and the new roofs. 7. Availability When people think about installing a new roof, copper is not a material that normally comes to mind. Nevertheless, copper has been used on roofs for centuries. The one big disadvantage of copper in South-Africa is that it is expensive and that copper is a material that is stolen and sold for money all around the country. Copper is a good roofing option and there are many locally available manufacturers. One of the biggest suppliers of copper products is Copalcor. â€Å"Copalcor offers solutions incorporating a wide range of rolled, extruded and forged non-ferrous metal products for the local and international market. Through ongoing development and expansion the company maintains its position as a leader in the field of service to South African strategic industries and continues to grow as an exporter worldwide† (Copalcor, 2010) Copper roofing is a very specialized industry and therefore there is not such a wide variety of copper roofing contractors available in South-Africa. A few manufacturers and contactors are: Clotan Steel (Pty) Ltd. Global Roofing Solutions (Pty) Ltd. Cupric Tectonics. 8. Cost Copper is a very expensive building material. Because copper roofs are very expensive compared to conventional tile roofs, the demand of copper roofs is not so high in South-Africa. Copper is considered a specialized roof and is therefore a specialized construction, this makes copper roofing expensive. If you consider that a copper roof will outlast almost any other roof and that copper is 100% recyclable, it will be a good investment or addition to any building. It requires almost no maintenance that keeps the cost down. The initial cost for the construction and installation of a copper roof is high but the advantages over shadow the price of the roof. 9. Case study 9.1. Freedom Park //hapo Museum Category: Culture Location: Pretoria, South-Africa Architect: Office of Collaborative Architects GAPP Architects / Urban Designers; Mashabane Rose Associates; MMA Architects, Johannesburg, South Africa Design Architect: Jeremy Rose Project Architect: Dieter Brandt 9.1.1. Project Description The vision for //hapo (the dream), an interpretive centre and Pan-African archive, was to provide an interactive exhibition space which would convey the history of South Africa over 3.6 billion years. The faà §ade of the building is completely clad with copper sheeting. Frans du Toit, managing director of Cupric Tectronics, said that Freedom Park is the first copper-clad building of its size in South Africa. â€Å"Installing the roof sheeting was challenging because there are so many detailed design elements,† says du Toit. â€Å"We used a specialised machine that rolled the copper into long, straight sheets that were placed directly onto the building.† The contractor had to change their normal installation methods to suit the specific needs of the design. Because there are almost no straight lines, the installation had some degree of difficulty. Copper, which fades over time and is already showing visible colour differences on the facade of Freedom Park, was chosen for a number of reasons. Dieter Brandt says that: â€Å"Copper is an African resource,† â€Å"The idea is that the material will age over time and the patina gives a sense of ancientness. We wanted a material with monochromatic feel and we needed a material to blend in with the brickwork that is typical to Salvokop rail village. The metaphor of boulders is enhanced by the varying stages at which the weathering of each copper-clad boulder that is exposed to prevailing weather takes place,† says Brandt. 9.1.2. Construction The specialists in copper roofing and cladding, Cupric Tectonics, used 70 tonnes of copper on the roof and side cladding of the building. The 0.6 mm copper sheets was profiled and installed on site, directly on the building. Over 9000 m2 of area was covered with copper supplied by Copalcor. The material is 99% pure phosphorous deoxidized copper alloy. (ASTM B152C 12200 half hard copper). A team of 16 well trained specialists worked on the project to complete the copper installations to the building. This was done to ensure that the long pans did not bend out of shape before it could be installed. The copper forms a natural wave like look, also known as â€Å"oil canning†. A state of the art Schlebach manufactured Quadro and profile machine was used to form the pans of the building. The machine was placed on the scaffolding so that the pans could be placed directly on the building for installation. The method used to install the copper to the building is called double standing seam system. This system is based on concealed fixing which means that there is no fixing through the sheets ensuring a water tight seal that will last for many years Due to the size of the building and because the copper pans are formed on site, large pans could be made and fitted directly onto the building. On site, pans are formed by using copper in flat sheets on rolls which are bent into pans by electrical pan formers. Long pans can be made that eliminates the need for transverse seams. Long Pan construction details are designed to accommodate for the movement as a result of the expansion and contraction over long spans of copper sheets. The points of stress relief are typically accommodated at eaves, transverse joints (if any), and ridge and base conditions by ensuring that the copper sheet is provided with proper clearances and is secured by expansion fastening devices that will not obstruct thermal Particular building dynamics should be considered before specific copper details are designed. Building expansion joints must be accommodated and properly detailed. Also, building orientation should be taken into consideration. A north sloping roof, for example, will gain more heat than a south sloping roof. All roof penetrations should allow for expansion in the same amounts as the roof panels, voids or spaces should be filled with loose insulation or compressible joint filler 10. Conclusion Copper has been use as a roofing material since ancient times. Technology and improved techniques make copper the perfect building material for roofing, cladding and the accessories going with roofing systems. More and more pre-fabricated copper products on the market have reduced the cost and this enabled copper to be used in more buildings than in the past. Standing Seam Construction offers many advantages. The greatest advantages are that it creates a water tight seal because of no sheets are penetrated with concealed fixing and this allows for fast construction that reduces labour costs. Copper Standing Seam construction is a long lasting roof construction with a life time of changing aesthetics.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Fashion media communication

Fashion media communication â€Å"Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didnt do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.†- Mark Twain All my life I have dared to go that extra mile to achieve whatever I have wanted. Now that I have become a part of this industry I am living my dream. Fashion and Style are not mere words but an intrinsic part of todays life. Fashion according to me has limitless possibilities and infinite opportunities for the creativity in an individual. It has a wide spectrum, and still a wider scope for experimentation to express that creative urge. Today fashion has acquired global standing. Its language imbibes in itself a blend of cultures. Fashion is the great leveler, the harmonizer. Fashion is the fusion of artistic tastes, its eloquence may be simply elegant or classic. Whether one feels identified to fashion or not, being indifferent to its massive attack is inevitable. Having had the opportunity to study in one of the most prestigious fashion institutes in the country I have been able to imbibe in me the intricate nuances and skills of the fashion world. But I believe in maintaining an explorative attitude as life is a learning process hence I am keen on exploring other dimensions in this field. The various Industry visits which were a part of my curriculum during my graduation and the internship at one of the leading export houses of India aided me to interface between design and technicalities of production and understand the different arenas of the fashion industry. I also had the opportunity to promote the arts and crafts of India by undertaking projects in the cluster developments of the country. I have a flair for designing and the ability to maximize the resources in hand and the confidence and desire to make a name for myself in the field of Fashion Media and communication. The Fashion Design degree from the National Institute of Fashion Technology has instilled in me high levels of creative awareness. An accentuated penchant for excellence gives me the required patience, which is a prerequisite in the field. I do not get bogged down by deadlines; rather I keenly look forward to meet them. Designing and production are certainly not the end of the design process, with promotion of the fashion products being an equally important part which depends mainly upon the creative use of the diverse media involving communication techniques. My bachelors education in Design has endowed me with lasting inputs in areas like Design Process, Fashion forecasting, Product development, Graphic Design, Styling, Fashion management and branding which I believe will help me to further strengthen my abilities and develop in me the art and acumen to carve a niche for my self in the field of Fashion Media and use the appropriate tools to market fashion as the product of artistic creativity. I desire to become a student at your highly acclaimed institute to polish my skills which I inculcated during my graduation through perseverance and dedication and   focus on the core concept of fashion as an inherent part of our society with the objective of making people aware of the importance of fashion as a way of life. I see HE Diploma (Fashion Media and Communication) offered at the London College of Fashion as a means for enabling me the high expertise and skills required in this field. But most importantly, I see it as a means of evolving my own personality and outlook about the fashion world and directing my energy and knowledge towards the efficient and meaningful culmination of my career objectives.Through this course I would want to focus and develop in me the ability to be part of Fashion Media, and use the appropriate tools to project and market fashion as the right mix of artistic creativity and business. I believe in expression and I have chosen fashion as my medium of self expression and would like to use fashion media and communication as a platform to realize my dreams. I strive to be the best, trained by none other than the best. As Archimedes once said â€Å"Give me a firm place to stand, and I will move the earth†.

Monday, August 19, 2019

The Civil War :: essays research papers

The Civil War The American Civil War was a grave turning point in the history of North America. It was a conflict that pitted the Northern states of the American union against the Southern states. The war raged for four years, from 1861 to 1865, and was marked by some of the fiercest military campaigns in modern history. In this essay, you will learn the causes of the American Civil war, as well as the after effects of the war.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  It has been extremely hard for historians to exactly pin-point the causes and effects of the war. The war itself had international impact, not only because of the growing international status of the United States, but also because war threatened world access to the South's cotton. Britain and France were the two main countries that had particular interest in the wars outcome, but other nations were as well effected by it. The civil war was a conflict over way of life. The Southern states depended upon the agriculture of the slaves, including cotton production . When Abraham Lincoln was elected President in 1860, his opposition of slavery was seen as a threat to the economic interests of the Southern states. The South responded by seceding from the union and founding the Confederate States of America in 1861. The first state to secede was South Carolina, on December 20, 1860. Mississippi, Florida, Alabama, Georgia, and Louisiana followed in January, 1861. Texas then also separated on February 1st. Three days later on February 4th, 1861, delegates from these states drafted a constitution for the confederacy. Jefferson Davis, was proclaimed president on February 18th. This was before Abraham Lincoln himself even became officially proclaimed President. The war began in 1861, when confederates open fired on Ft. Sumter, gaining control over the Port of Charleston. On April 15th, Lincoln then called out 75,000 volunteers determined to surpress the insurrection. It was the beginning of war. Virginia, North Carolina, Tennessee, and Arkansas seceded in the Spring of 1861. By now, the Confederacy had 11 states, and were outnumbered by the union who had 23 states. Eleven confederate states would stand against twenty-three states of the union. The south had a population of nine million, and three million of them were slaves. They were up against the north, who had over twenty-two million people. The war was well fought by both the North and South, and ended in 1865, with the North easily overpowering the South. Abraham Lincoln was assassinated on April 14, 1865, 12 days before the final surrender of the confederacy. The war itself costed over $20 billion dollars.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Choosing Sides in Their Eyes Were Watching God and Lone Star Essay

Choosing Sides in Their Eyes Were Watching God and Lone Star A major theme in multicultural literature is the search for identity by those of more than one culture. In most cases, one of these cultures is recognized as being more advantaged and powerful than the other. In John Sayles's Lone Star and Zora Neale Hurston's Their Eyes Were Watching God, bicultural characters negatively stereotype members of their own "inferior" or "less advantaged" background in order to identify themselves with their more powerful culture. The artists ultimately illustrate, however, that choosing sides is an unnatural option and that mixed heritages can have their own advantages. People of more than one culture often have trouble fitting into either; as Pat Mora suggests in her poem "Sonrisas," they "live in a doorway / between two rooms"[Mora]. For example, in Lone Star, Mercedes, who was born in Mexico but resides in Texas, lives up to Mora's description of a "legal alien"--someone who is seen as "an American to Mexicans / A Mexican to Americans"[Mora]. Sheriff Buddy's refusal to publicly acknowledge or inform his son of his affair with Mercedes shows that she does not totally belong to American culture. Mercedes also has trouble fitting in with the Mexican community. Her employees' lack of respect for her indicates her alienation. In Their Eyes Were Watching God, Mrs. Turner, who is also of mixed heritage, fits in with neither African-Americans nor whites. She laments that although she has "white folks' features in [her] face...[she is still] lumped in wid all de rest [of the African-Americans]"[Hurston, p.211] by Whites, with whom she tries to be identified. On the other hand, she is also not "usete... ...ation if they learn to incorporate both cultures into their personalities. Like Dorothy's ruby slippers in The Wizard of Oz, Mercedes's restaurant serves as an example of a perfect solution that was always right in front of her face. The restaurant, which employs an American work ethic but serves Mexican food, becomes a metaphor of her newfound cultural harmony. Sayles suggests that she will have better relationships with her daughter and grandson as a reward for her recently expanded perceptions. Mrs. Turner, on the other hand, never consciously accepts her situation and therefore receives no such reward. On the contrary, she is ostracized by both white and African-American communities. The contrast between Mercedes's dynamism and Mrs. Turner's stasis in this respect proves Otis Payne's assertion in Lone Star that "blood is what you make of it."

Saturday, August 17, 2019

People Should Look After Their Health as a Duty to Society They Live in Rather Than Personal Benefits Essay

It has long been believed that an individual’s health is a private matter. However, in contemporary society, where human interaction is frequent and medical costs are high, the health of any individual concerns the whole community. Society as a whole suffers when an individual falls ill. Nowadays, a disease can spread very quickly between people in the same community and even across national borders. If a single patient is not diagnosed and treated in time, many more people will be affected. In addition, the high cost of medical treatment a patient requires is usually paid by the government and society. A smoker who suffers from lung cancer, for example, is making other taxpayers pay for his habit. For these reasons, health is more than just a personal matter. In the same way, good health benefits society as well as the individual. By keeping fit, a person is not only investing in his/her future, but also contributing to the overall productivity of society. That is the reason why many governments encourage their people to participate in sports as a way of boosting their health. Some people might argue that their freedom will be limited if their health is regarded as a public matter. However, I would like to point out that personal enjoyment should never be placed above public interests. Drug users, for example, are punished in any civilized society. In conclusion, health is not an issue like seatbelts which affect only the individual. In an era when everybody is involved with everybody else, people should look after their health for the sake of society as well as themselves.

Friday, August 16, 2019

The Coca Cola Company

The Coca-Cola Company| MGT-100| Joanne Rupe Subject: MGT 100| Word Count: 3291| Due Date: 27. 11. 2012| Table of Contents 1. Introduction5 2. Mintzberg Roles6 2. 1 Entrepreneur6 2. 2 Leader6 2. 3 Figurehead6 3. Henri Fayol – Principles7 3. 1 Initiative7 3. 2 Equity7 3. 3 Unity of Direction7 4. Weber – Principles8 4. 1 Division of Labour8 4. 2 Promotion and Selection based on Merit8 5. Building Blocks of Competitive Advantage9 5. 1 Efficiency9 5. 2 Effectiveness9 5. 3 Performance and Quality9 5. 4 Innovation10 5. 5 Customer Service10 6. Management Science Theory11 6. 1 Total Quality Management11 . 2 Quantitative Management11 6. 3 Operations Management12 6. 4 Management Information System12 7. Organisation Structure13 8. Barriers to Entry & Competition14 9. Organizational Environment14 9. 1 Social Variables14 9. 3 Communities and Governments14 9. 4 Competitors15 9. 5 CEO15 9. 6 S. W. O. T Analysis15 10. Factors of Organisational Culture16 11. Managing Change & Diversity16 11. 1 Organisational Change16 11. 2 Diversity Awareness Program16 11. 3 Managing Diversity17 12. Organisational Ethics17 13. Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)17 14. Managing Leadership18 4. 1 Transformational Leadership18 14. 2 Transactional Leadership18 15. Managing Motivation19 15. 1 Theories19 16. Managing Decision Making19 16. 1 Decision Making Within Coca-Cola Company19 17. Conclusion20 18. References21 1. Introduction Coca-Cola is one of the most known and used beverages throughout the world. The brand is consumed by daily basis in over 200 countries. However not everyone is aware of what the company stands for and how it functions. This report will explain how the company operates and how they follow the different managerial steps to achieve their goals.It will also inform which type of structure they use to remain successful. 2. Mintzberg Roles 2. 1 Entrepreneur Asa Candler tasted, bought and decided to market Coca-Cola as a soft drink instead of a headache tonic (Belli s, n/d, Para. 3). Not only did he change the way they advertised and sold the product, according to Gunderson (2009, Para. 1) Asa Candler made the CCC grow into a global giant thanks to his great marketing skills using celeberty endorsments, free samples to pharmacists & costumers and the way they guarded their secret formula. 2. 2 LeaderThe leader role is shared between the 17 boards of Directors in the Coca-Cola Company, although the Chairman of the board and CEO Muhtar Kent are shown as a front figure and role model (Coca-Cola1, 2012, Para. 3). As found in Coca-Cola1 (2012, Para. 2) the company sees Muhtar Kent as a leader that will lead them into the new century thanks to a firm commitment to both the values and spirit of the world's greatest brand. 2. 3 Figurehead Coca-Cola1 (2012, Para. 2) gives the impression that Muhtar Kent is seen both as a leader and a figurehead for the corporation.He both leads the company in to a brighter future and the rest of the employees look at hi m for inspiration and help. Because he is the chairman of the board and the CEO he gives a feeling of inspiration, legal and ceremonial obligations. 3. Henri Fayol – Principles 3. 1 Initiative According to Coca-Cola2 (2012, Para. 2) the CCC frequently has an open dialog with their employees about what is new right now. During these discussions the CCC asks about what consumers like/dislike, what distributors think, how improvement can be made, and if they’re losing market space against competitors.By having these sorts of meetings Coca Cola always motivates employees to be a part of the company, to take initiative and speak up. It also teaches employees to be creative and help the company grow. 3. 2 Equity As stated in Coca-Cola3 (2012, Para. 1) they are dedicated to maintain very important principles regarding International Human ; Workplace Rights everywhere they do business. As of 2005 Coca-Cola3 (2012, Para. 2) they began working with the former UN Special Represen tative for Business and Human Rights and professor John Ruggie to develop principles for a framework in respecting human rights in a business context. . 3 Unity of Direction The CCC explains global changes and aims to thrive as a business over the next ten years, looking forward and adapting to the changes (Coca-Cola4, 2012, Para. 1). Their mission is explained in Coca-Cola4 (2012, Para. 2) and points out three special goals: To refresh the world, to inspire moments of optimism and happiness and to create value and make a difference. The vision of the CCC is something that is taken very seriously. In Coca-Cola4 (2012, Para. 3) it is clearly described what the company think it should accomplish to be able to substain quality growth. * 4.Weber – Principles 4. 1 Division of Labour CCC’s management is divided into three main leadership factions; Board of Directors, Operations Leadership and Senior Functional Leadership (Coca-Cola1, 2012, Para 3-5). Under these Leadership r oles are middle and bottom line management, as well as employees in areas including Supply Chain Function, Manufacturing, Technical Function, Marketing, Sales Account Management, Customer and Commercial Leaders, Business Management, Finance, Public Affairs ; Communications, Human Resources, Legal, IT, Business ; Administrative Services and Aviation. Journey Staff, 2012, p. 1) 4. 2 Promotion and Selection based on Merit Within the aforementioned career areas CCC provides opportunities and support for employees through Individual Development Plans. This is made up of on the job experience (70%), exposure to case studies, role models and mentoring (20%) and attending courses (10%). Combined, CCC aims to focus and develop on the skills and competencies that are needed and beneficial within the company, as well as with other career opportunities. (Coca-Cola? , 2012, Para. 1) 5. Building Blocks of Competitive Advantage . 1 Efficiency The CCC is efficient in the way they distribute because they only produce the syrup concentrate, according to Love (2011, Para. 2). The concentrate is sold to the bottlers all over the world and it is the bottlers who has to finish the product by adding water and sugar. It is a good way of keeping the costs down, because there is no expenses putting the syrup into cans or bottles and there is no usage of water or sweeteners. This also simplifies their job to keep the formula of coke as a secret (Coca-Cola5, 2011, Para. 6) 5. Effectiveness There is one major disadvantage by only producing the syrup, which is that the drink tastes different all over the world. Huffington (2012, Para. 2) explains that each country has their own filtered water and uses different types and amounts of sugar. However the secret formula prevents other competitors from copying their recipe, which is an effective way by only producing the concentrate. The way CCC provides different volumes is an effective way of reaching out to more and diverse customers. 5. 3 Pe rformance and QualityThe company are working towards the high expectations through their operating requirement group called KORE (Coca-Cola6, 2012, Para. 1-3). The most important effort in this program is done by outlining strong regulations, policies, programs and specifications to lead all operations with accuracy. The key is constant monitoring and clear communication while reporting new statistics to the top managers. 5. 4 Innovation The CCC is always trying to follow the global trends and adapt to customer needs by creating the right beverage that suits different groups. Coca-Cola (2011, Para. ) informs that they created low calorie drinks such as Cola Zero and Cola Light to alure both genders in separate approach. They create health drinks to provide the new generation and athletes with what they want. It is not just about making carbonated soft-drinks anymore, they are following the steps taken by human nature to meet the new standards of life. 5. 5 Customer Service The CCC h as many employees to keep track on and Antenna (Para. 1) explains how the the company are increasing their distribution and deliveries of beverages by effective management.The company use (AMP) Antenna Mobility Platform to use the field employees as â€Å"human mobile offices† to keep them cohesive, prepared and efficient. This method allows the company to accomplish real-time responsiveness to customers and high levels of workforce productivity, according to Antenna (Para. 2). The result of it is also that both managers and employees improve their communication and collabotation as they can react quicker to changes that occur. 6. Management Science Theory 6. 1 Total Quality Management According to Coca-Cola6 (2012, Para. 4) KORE guarantees the consistency of their business quality.They are accurate in following terms and conditions made by the different departments. They use strict rules and policies to monitor performance and to prevent inaccuracies within manufacturing. KO RE arrange meetings with staff members to discuss questions and matters that concerns requirements and feedback to increase quality. Coca-Cola (20126, Para. 5) explains that the information is always available for the whole department to find out the goals, process, work instructions and worksheets related to the specific area of members. 6. 2 Quantitative Management In â€Å"Figure 1† Stephen (2009) shows where the highest consumptions are made.This quantitative information helps the company to work harder in specific areas where the brand is weak. Figure 1 – Worldwide Coca-Cola Consumption Figure 2 – Coke or Pepsi? In â€Å"Figure 2† Y-N (2008) are giving the information telling the company of what sort of beverage is most common in a specific country. This enables the company to analyse the competitors and how the CCC can grow in the market. 6. 3 Operations Management The CCC makes sure their interns and potential employees finishes an intership progra m called SCOM (Supply Chain Operations Management), (Coke-Consolidated, Para. 2).SCOM gives them the education and experience to master manufacturing and production. Also to learn about supply chain planning, transport, delivery, sales and warehouse management. It is about integrating them with the ideas and processes. The Coca-Cola Bottling Company Consolidated (CCBCC) explains about their concern of operation management: â€Å"At CCBCC, we strive to recruit the most talented, motivated people to continue to grow our outstanding team and develop into key members of our business to ensure that CCBCC will continue to lead the i1ndustry and set the bar for the rest of the beverage industry. (Coke-Consolidated, nd, Para. 4) 6. 4 Management Information System Case-Studies (2009, Para. 1) states that ISS (Information System Services) is their main department to monitor other informational groups such as CCBCC. The way of tracking files and archives is done by using EPM (Microsoft Office Enterprise Project Management) which is used as their informational technology. EPM makes CCBCC work and study their economics precisely and manage their recourses more efficiently in order to make decisions and complete goals in a reduced amount of time.They evaluate details like project costs, time, functions and efforts (Case-Studies, 2009, Para. 2). This helps them to gather information to create solutions, discover benefits, and achieve goals in the different criteria’s. 7. Organisation Structure CCC uses both the mechanistic view of the contingency theory within the factory environment and an open systems approach within their sales department. Business, marketing and sales strategies are decided by the management and then carried out by the employees.From the managers under Muhtar Kent comes the instructions and strategies that then is fed down into the supervisors and then to the employees. Coca-Cola introduced, the â€Å"Plant Bottle†, (Coca-Cola Company; Pla nt Bottle Benefits, 2012, Para 1). The introduction of this product was a decision made by the board, later carried out under the supervision of managers and finally sold by employees and sales people for Coca-Cola. This is an example of a hierarchical structure which is typical of the mechanistic structure.An Open System approach is used for marketing and sales within CCC. CCC needs to be able to use the raw materials and input from the external environment to produce goods and services that impact the external environment (George et al, 2012, p54). After the Tohoku Earthquake 2011, Japan had to reduce power usage. With one vending machine for every 25 people, Japan saved over 10 million kilo watts of energy by turning them off (Coca-Cola-Company, 2012, Para 5). CCC created a vending machine called the â€Å"Impossible Vending Machine† that uses half the energy than the others.This gives them a competitive advantage over other vending machine companies within Japan (Coca-Col a-Company, 2012, Para 9). 8. Barriers to Entry ; Competition Due to Coca-Cola’s success in the industry, strong entry for new competitors is quite limited. The company has such broad market exposure, with products being sold in over 200 countries (Coca-Cola, 2012), that most new companies would not have any kind of effect on market trends. Competition with CCC rests primarily in brands already in the market such as Schweppes and Nestle.For new brands entering the market economies of scale are large, especially due to the fact that CCC experiences small economies of scale. The risks for new or existing companies to create or expand their products are high. With CCC’s prominence and brand recognition it is their biggest asset. As a result, it would take a great deal of time or money to enter the beverage market successfully, and possibly longer still for adequate brand recognition. 9. Organizational Environment 9. 1 Social Variables People are getting concerned about the ir health.The population whom are reaching a higher age will decrease their amount of carbonated drinks. Meanwhile there are people who are only interested in their own wellness and fitness. Coca-Cola (2010, Para. 1) explains how they are strongly aiming towards an active and healthy lifestyle by offering other soft drinks, such as Juice and PowerAde. They enlighten the customers to be more active by exercising more. 9. 2 Political ; Legal According to Grynbaum (2012, Para. 1) the New York City Board of Health approved a ban on large sized sodas from being sold at restaurants, cinemas and street carts.This means that the amount of Coca-Cola bottles larger than 16oz (47cl) is going to decrease in sales. 9. 3 Communities and Governments The governments want to keep the world â€Å"green† and the CCC are applying this request by using their â€Å"2020 Vision† (Coca-Cola2, 2012, Para 1). The company are taking responsibility towards the global environment in the way of rep lenishing water and manufacturing environmentally friendly bottles (Coca-Cola7, n/d, Para. 1). This is a way of helping communities which are in great need of water. 9. 4 CompetitorsThe competitors are forced to be innovative because of CCC’s large market share. CCC has to keep being innovative and release new additions to their portfolio. This as an measure to prevent loss of marketshare. 9. 5 CEO The biggest internal influence in the CCC comes within the CEO, Muhtar Kent. Everything that has to do with future ideas and projects originates from him. Ignatius (2011, Para. 1) informs how Mr Kent is keen to meet the future global demands and how important it is for him to impact the CCC by applying the â€Å"vision† into every single member.Mr Kent controls the attitude, values and foundations of how the CCC should behave as an organisation not just towards the customers, but towards the global changing environment. 9. 6 S. W. O. T Analysis * Social Variables – Th reat People will stop drinking Coca-Cola at a certain age which results in decreased revenue. The CCC is forced to create new products to adapt to the change in environment. * Political ; Legal – Threat This is a direct threat and limits the sales on larger soft drinks. The volume of Coca-Cola sold will decrease. The customers can no longer chose drinks bigger than 16oz. Communities and Governments – Opportunity The way the company is being responsible and helpful towards the environment gives them goodwill and an advantage if certain legal laws would appear on environmental behaviour. Instead of being forced to change, they set the example on how to behave. * Competitors – Threat Pepsis innovative thinking puts pressure on the CCC. If a competitor creates a product that responds to customer needs it will give them competitive advantages. The CCC might lose market share as a result. * CEO – Strength The role of a CEO could be a great weakness.However Muht ar Kents way of innovative thinking and leadership qualities brings confidence and inspiration towards shareholders, employees and customers. Mr Kent as a CEO is a great strength. 10. Factors of Organisational Culture The CCC boasts a culture of being One Company, One Team, One Passion (Coca-Cola Company5; 2012, Para. 1). This is shown in the way they describe their ‘unique culture’ which includes; nurturing talent and skill sets that will add to the company’s value, encouraging socialisation and building relationships with colleagues to increase motivation in worker and foresting creativity (Coca-Cola Company5, 2012, Para. -4). The values that the CCC and Muhtar Kent have put in place to create the organisation’s culture for their employees as a guide of how to behave include; Leadership, collaboration, integrity, accountability, passion, diversity and quality (Coca-Cola Company5; 2012, Para. 2). 11. Managing Change ; Diversity 11. 1 Organisational Change CCC has recently announced changes to the Operating Structure and Senior Leadership Appointments as of January 1, 2013. Instead organise around three prominent businesses; Coca-Cola International, Coca-Cola Americas and Bottling Investments Group (Coca-Cola2, 2012, Para. ). The change is another progress towards their â€Å"2020 vision† for the future. This is an example of bottom-up change as it has been implemented gradually, with top line managers picking up more jobs, while other employees have been let go. The change can also be described as a mix of forced evolution, and dictatorial transformation. 11. 2 Diversity Awareness Program The CCC has developed a diversity educational program for all manager and employees. This program is designed to make people aware of diversity and educate them in what diversity means for the company.The program includes; classroom and online courses that are classroom based, seminar with invited keynote speakers and many different diversit y awareness based resources (Coca-Cola Company; 2012, Para. 9). These resources available to the employees and managers at CCC are designed to educate them in order to better understand other employees, customer, and suppliers and above all give the company a greater competitive advantage. 11. 3 Managing Diversity According to DiversityInc (2012, Para. 1) the CCC has remained in the â€Å"top 50 companies† for diversity during the last 10 years.Diversity is not just about policies and regulations; it is a part of their culture. Coca-Cola (2012, Para. 2) explains how they intend to form an environment that provides all members equal access to information, progress and opportunity. It is crucial for them to operate in a diverse workplace because of their long-term goal called â€Å"2020 Vision People†. Coca-Cola2 (2012, Para 3) states that there are three pillars of diversety eucation: * Diversity Training * Diversity Speakers Series * Diversity LibraryThey also offer su pplier diversity training to make sure their associates comprehend how to obtain the power of the workplace by having suppliers that consist of minority- and women-owned businesses (Coca-Cola8, 2012, Para. 5). Diversity is in the heart of the CCC and it is the way they are, how they work and comprehend the future (Coca-Cola3, 2012, Para. 1). 12. Organisational Ethics CCC has designed a Code of Business Conduct which guides the organization through the ethical minefield, including anti-corruption and anti-bribery codes (Code of Business Conduct, 2009, Para. 3-4).This code of conduct entails the expectation of accountability, honesty and integrity in all matters. Coca-Cola’s Ethics and Compliance Committee, made up of Board directors as well as other non-employee leadership, administer this code of conduct. Integrity is fundamental to CCC, along with other values. 13. Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) CCC has taken a proactive approach to CSR. An example of this is the â₠¬Å"Little Red Schoolhouse Project† in the Philippines opened by Coca Cola to provide children with a basic elementary education (Coca-Cola Company: Coca-Cola; Little Red Schoolhouse, Para 1).This action also takes into account that in many areas where schools have been built there has been a high level child labor. The construction of these buildings helps children from being forced to work (Coca-Cola Company: Addressing Global Issues Para 4). 14. Managing Leadership 14. 1 Transformational Leadership According to Ignatius (2011, Para. 3), Muhtar Kent has transformed the CCC into a long term thinking company by implementing the â€Å"2020 Vision†. They are establishing a compelling vision and it is important that everyone is following the steps because of their global network and market.The high level of diversity forces the CCC to bring different individuals together and direct them to achieve the same goals, also to understand and believe in the same values and visions that the company requires. BTS (2012, Para. 2) informs that to endure transformational change they created Revenue Growth Management (RGM) to bring modern solutions to modern problems. 14. 2 Transactional Leadership According to Coca-Cola4 (2012, Para. 3) the company encourage their employees to be high preforming and they offer one of the best benefit packages in the world.They offer different developmental opportunities for their allies, one of which is the Coca-Cola University. This is a program for high performers to evolve, using the Peak Performance System (PPS, n/d, Para. 3). To extinguish undesired and reinforce desired behaviours the CCC have very strict workplace rights policies. The workplace rights policy makes the employees feel more secure and aware of their rights and also makes sure they are well aware on how to behave (Coca-Cola3, 2012, Para. 3) â€Å"The success of our business depends on every employee in our global enterprise.We are committed to fostering open and inclusive workplaces that respect human and workplace rights, where all employees are valued and inspired to be the best they can be. Our Workplace Rights Policy reflects these values and our commitment to uphold workplace rights globallyâ€Å"(Coca-Cola, 2012, Para. 1) 15. Managing Motivation 15. 1 Theories To illustrate how CCC caters to the needs of its employees the Alderfer ERG theory can be used (George, et al. 2012, pg. 234). CCC caters the existence needs of their employees by diversity awareness and education program which makes the employees feel safe and secure working in the workplace.CCC encourages open communication within the workplace through collaboration, which is one of the Coca-Cola core values (Coca-Cola Company; Mission, Vision ; Values, 2012, Para. 2). CCC develop their employees, by providing training through the Coca-Cola University which gives employees the chance to gain an education about the marketplace to fulfil the growth need (Coca-Cola Company; Benefits and rewards, 2012, Para 4). CCC also boasts that they have a benefits package that it highly regarded within the industry (Coca-Cola Company; Benefits and Rewards, 2012, Para 7).This can be seen as a form of motivation. It states that this benefits package addresses the employee’s basic human and life changing needs which in turn develops intrinsic and extrinsic motivation (Coca-Cola Company; Benefits and Rewards, 2012, Para 7). 16. Managing Decision Making 16. 1 Decision Making Within Coca-Cola Company Decisions for the company are made by the Board of Directors, and are considered alongside the interests of stakeholders, as well environmental concerns. Many of the decisions made are considered in relation to the company’s ‘2020 Vision’.An example of a decision made is the company’s investment into the Indian Beverage Market. CCC recognised the potential presented in India, and as a result began generating ideas as to how to maximise this opportunity. The company then assessed and chose investments, including creating jobs, supporting education and implementing the common ‘Reduce, Reuse, Recycle’ method in order to improve waste in the developing country. These $2 billion investments are set to not only provide positive changes within India, but also to improve the company’s repute and to achieve the 2020 goal. (Winzelberg, 2012, Para 4-6;8) 7. Conclusion There are many conclusions made out of this report after researching in a more deep way. Coca-Cola is obviously more than just the soft-drink that people buy when thirsty. It is a company that has great values and caring visions. The CCC is pursuing a long term goal and is always looking for improvements. They are a proactive company because of their way of caring for the global nature and communities. The are always concerned about what the future will bring, which is why they have long term visions. It has been an instructive period to study th e company and it’s structure. The Coca Cola Company The Coca Cola Company is a global business that operates on a local scale, in every community where the company do business. There able to create a global reach with local focus because of the strength of Coca Cola System which comprises company and more than 250 bottling partners. The Coca Cola is not a single entity from legal or managerial perspective and the company does not own or control all of our bottling partners, while many view the company as simply Coca Cola the system operates through multiple local channels. The company manufactures and sells concentrates beverages bases and syrups to bottling operations, owns the brands and it’s responsible for consumers brand marketing initiative. A transnational corporation is any enterprise that undertakes foreign direct investment owns or controls income gathering assets in more than one country, produces goods or services outside its country of origin or engages in international production. For example Coca-Cola Company is a transnational corporation because they have proven successful in their international operations and are one of the most recognized brands in the world. Coca-Cola has used each of the six strategies. Coca-Cola Company was very successful in implementing strategies regardless of the country. The company has 6 keys of strategies necessary for firms to be successful when expanding globally. Differentiation strategy is defined as a marketing technique used by a manufacturer to establish a strong identity in a specific market. It also may be referred to as segmentation strategy. Using this strategy, a manufacturer will introduce different varieties of the same basic product under the same name into a particular product category and thus cover the range of products available in that category. There are several ways a firm can differentiate its’ products. We focused on two aspects of this; branding and cost leadership. The American Marketing Association defines a brand as a â€Å"name, term, sign, symbol or design, or a combination of them intended to identify the goods and services of one seller or group of sellers and to differentiate them from those of other sellers. The objectives of successful branding include; delivering the message clearly, confirming your company’s credibility, connecting to your target prospects emotionally, motivating the buyer, and establishing user loyalty. for example, a soda company that offers a regular soda, a diet soda, a decaffeinated soda, and a diet-decaffeinated soda all under the same brand name is using a differentiation strategy. Each type of soda is directed at a different segment of the soda market, and the full line of products available will help to establish the company's name in the soda category. The second strategy there used is International marketing strategy is an important part strategic planning and consequently should be an area, this strategy is a significant factor in the performance of a global company because an effective marketing strategy for international Companies can represent a competitive advantage and therefore global executives need to recognize the importance level regardless if a global or customized marketing strategy is practiced. Furthermore, the marketing mix affecting markets abroad the most should be studied to comprehend how foreign markets function with different marketing strategies. International marketing strategy can be defined in many ways. International marketing strategy is the manner in which an organization performs based on a predetermined set of activities in order to plan, promote, price and distribute a good or service for a profit to consumers in various locations. Global vs Marketing Strategy when discussing international marketing it is important to point out the difference that may exist between international and global marketing. Global marketing can be characterized by an overall outlook of the market as a whole where there is a standardized manner to sell a product or service in all places. Standardization as a form of marketing strategy refers to the similarity of a set of practices implemented in the home and other foreign markets. Standardization strategy’s main elements are political legal, economic, competitive, cultural, and consumer, environments. Also, the same research states that this strategy is most likely to be implemented if there are similarities in the elements of the home and foreign country another concept that a firm with a strong level of standardization enjoys a high level of control within the organization. This control is the level of decision making executed by the home office. At the same time, when standardization applies, global image and product offering are two strong factors a firm seems to rely on. Conversely, international marketing relates more to different target markets and their differences rather than looking at it as one single market and foresees the possibility to implement a localization strategy rather than standardization, as the global marketing would pursue. Moreover, in order to understand the role of international strategy in a company’s success, it is also important to understand the role culture has in the strategy development. Distribution is the course, physical path or legal title that goods take between production and consumption. In international marketing, a company must decide on the method of distribution among countries as well as the method within the country where final sale occurs† (Daniels 2009). Choosing distributors and channels is the first step of distribution in foreign countries. When a company enters a new country it is usually economical for a company to rely on external distributors. It is important to select a distributor with good connections are particularly important because the distributors with good connections get a lot of information and relationship of the market and customers in the foreign country. When pursuing international business, companies must choose an international operating mode to fulfill their objectives and carry out their strategies, strategies towards vertical integration have been subject to shifting fashions. For most of the twentieth century the prevailing wisdom was that vertical integration was generally beneficial because it allowed superior coordination and reduced risk. During the past 25 years there has been a profound change of opinion: outsourcing, it is claimed, enhances flexibility and allows firms to concentrate on those activities where they possess superior capabilities. Moreover, many of the coordination benefits associated with vertical integration can be achieved through collaboration between vertically related companies. A firm may choose to operate globally either through equity arrangements or through non-equity arrangements Coca-Cola has successfully adopted both of the arrangements the Coca Cola Company used forward vertical integration to move a step closer to their consumers. Forward vertical integration refers to a management style of involves a form of vertical integration whereby activities are expanded to include control of the direct distribution of its products. A cash cow is defined as a business, product or asset that, once acquired and paid off, will produce consistent cash flow over its lifespan Companies in this category require very little maintenance and bring in a steady cash flow for the company over a long period of time. One benefit of being a cash cow ompany, or having a cash cow product, is that the company can invest the profits into other branches of the business, making acquisitions to grow the company, or giving back to shareholders in the form of dividends. Coca-Cola is considered a cash cow because of their high market share and relatively low market growth. They aren’t growing as much anymore in the market because they have been around for 125 years. Also in the political activities Coca Cola Company is subjected to strict regulations since its products come under food category. However few changes in law are expected to impact Coca Cola following are some such factors like the issue of negative impact of Coca Cola manufacturing plants on environment has been highlighted in many countries, laws for environment protection and stringent regulations in this regard can impact the production process, government change, civil unrest, military take over and other disturbances in a country can affect sales and operation. The Coca-Cola Company is incorporated in the United States, the U. S. Foreign Corrupt Practices Act, which prohibits bribes to officials of non-U. S. overnments, applies to all employees around the world. Consult Company legal counsel about additional local laws that may be applicable. The Coca Cola Company encourages personal participation in the political process in a manner consistent with all relevant laws and Company guidelines. Political contributions by the Company must be, made in accordance with local law; approved in accordance with the De legation of Authority; and properly recorded. Detailed information on U. S. trade restrictions that may be in effect at any given time are posted on the Ethics ; Compliance intranet site. The Company must comply with all applicable trade restrictions and boycotts imposed by the U. S. government. Such restrictions prohibit the Company from engaging in certain business activities in specified countries, and with specified individuals and entities. These restrictions include, for example, prohibitions on interaction with identified terrorist organizations or narcotics traffickers. Sanctions for noncompliance can be severe, including fines and imprisonment for responsible individuals, and the Company may be prohibited from further participation in certain trade. The Company also must abide by U. S. anti-boycott laws that prohibit companies from participating in any international boycott not sanctioned by the U. S. government. The Coca-Cola Company competes fairly, and complies with all applicable competition laws around the world. These laws often are complex, and vary considerably from country to country both in the scope of their coverage and their geographic reach. Conduct permissible in one country may be unlawful in another. Penalties for violation can be severe. Bibliography www.organizational 9(4) 59-81 Bennett;Blythe 2002 p.6 Daniels 2009 The Coca Cola Company The Coca-Cola Company| MGT-100| Joanne Rupe Subject: MGT 100| Word Count: 3291| Due Date: 27. 11. 2012| Table of Contents 1. Introduction5 2. Mintzberg Roles6 2. 1 Entrepreneur6 2. 2 Leader6 2. 3 Figurehead6 3. Henri Fayol – Principles7 3. 1 Initiative7 3. 2 Equity7 3. 3 Unity of Direction7 4. Weber – Principles8 4. 1 Division of Labour8 4. 2 Promotion and Selection based on Merit8 5. Building Blocks of Competitive Advantage9 5. 1 Efficiency9 5. 2 Effectiveness9 5. 3 Performance and Quality9 5. 4 Innovation10 5. 5 Customer Service10 6. Management Science Theory11 6. 1 Total Quality Management11 . 2 Quantitative Management11 6. 3 Operations Management12 6. 4 Management Information System12 7. Organisation Structure13 8. Barriers to Entry & Competition14 9. Organizational Environment14 9. 1 Social Variables14 9. 3 Communities and Governments14 9. 4 Competitors15 9. 5 CEO15 9. 6 S. W. O. T Analysis15 10. Factors of Organisational Culture16 11. Managing Change & Diversity16 11. 1 Organisational Change16 11. 2 Diversity Awareness Program16 11. 3 Managing Diversity17 12. Organisational Ethics17 13. Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)17 14. Managing Leadership18 4. 1 Transformational Leadership18 14. 2 Transactional Leadership18 15. Managing Motivation19 15. 1 Theories19 16. Managing Decision Making19 16. 1 Decision Making Within Coca-Cola Company19 17. Conclusion20 18. References21 1. Introduction Coca-Cola is one of the most known and used beverages throughout the world. The brand is consumed by daily basis in over 200 countries. However not everyone is aware of what the company stands for and how it functions. This report will explain how the company operates and how they follow the different managerial steps to achieve their goals.It will also inform which type of structure they use to remain successful. 2. Mintzberg Roles 2. 1 Entrepreneur Asa Candler tasted, bought and decided to market Coca-Cola as a soft drink instead of a headache tonic (Belli s, n/d, Para. 3). Not only did he change the way they advertised and sold the product, according to Gunderson (2009, Para. 1) Asa Candler made the CCC grow into a global giant thanks to his great marketing skills using celeberty endorsments, free samples to pharmacists & costumers and the way they guarded their secret formula. 2. 2 LeaderThe leader role is shared between the 17 boards of Directors in the Coca-Cola Company, although the Chairman of the board and CEO Muhtar Kent are shown as a front figure and role model (Coca-Cola1, 2012, Para. 3). As found in Coca-Cola1 (2012, Para. 2) the company sees Muhtar Kent as a leader that will lead them into the new century thanks to a firm commitment to both the values and spirit of the world's greatest brand. 2. 3 Figurehead Coca-Cola1 (2012, Para. 2) gives the impression that Muhtar Kent is seen both as a leader and a figurehead for the corporation.He both leads the company in to a brighter future and the rest of the employees look at hi m for inspiration and help. Because he is the chairman of the board and the CEO he gives a feeling of inspiration, legal and ceremonial obligations. 3. Henri Fayol – Principles 3. 1 Initiative According to Coca-Cola2 (2012, Para. 2) the CCC frequently has an open dialog with their employees about what is new right now. During these discussions the CCC asks about what consumers like/dislike, what distributors think, how improvement can be made, and if they’re losing market space against competitors.By having these sorts of meetings Coca Cola always motivates employees to be a part of the company, to take initiative and speak up. It also teaches employees to be creative and help the company grow. 3. 2 Equity As stated in Coca-Cola3 (2012, Para. 1) they are dedicated to maintain very important principles regarding International Human ; Workplace Rights everywhere they do business. As of 2005 Coca-Cola3 (2012, Para. 2) they began working with the former UN Special Represen tative for Business and Human Rights and professor John Ruggie to develop principles for a framework in respecting human rights in a business context. . 3 Unity of Direction The CCC explains global changes and aims to thrive as a business over the next ten years, looking forward and adapting to the changes (Coca-Cola4, 2012, Para. 1). Their mission is explained in Coca-Cola4 (2012, Para. 2) and points out three special goals: To refresh the world, to inspire moments of optimism and happiness and to create value and make a difference. The vision of the CCC is something that is taken very seriously. In Coca-Cola4 (2012, Para. 3) it is clearly described what the company think it should accomplish to be able to substain quality growth. * 4.Weber – Principles 4. 1 Division of Labour CCC’s management is divided into three main leadership factions; Board of Directors, Operations Leadership and Senior Functional Leadership (Coca-Cola1, 2012, Para 3-5). Under these Leadership r oles are middle and bottom line management, as well as employees in areas including Supply Chain Function, Manufacturing, Technical Function, Marketing, Sales Account Management, Customer and Commercial Leaders, Business Management, Finance, Public Affairs ; Communications, Human Resources, Legal, IT, Business ; Administrative Services and Aviation. Journey Staff, 2012, p. 1) 4. 2 Promotion and Selection based on Merit Within the aforementioned career areas CCC provides opportunities and support for employees through Individual Development Plans. This is made up of on the job experience (70%), exposure to case studies, role models and mentoring (20%) and attending courses (10%). Combined, CCC aims to focus and develop on the skills and competencies that are needed and beneficial within the company, as well as with other career opportunities. (Coca-Cola? , 2012, Para. 1) 5. Building Blocks of Competitive Advantage . 1 Efficiency The CCC is efficient in the way they distribute because they only produce the syrup concentrate, according to Love (2011, Para. 2). The concentrate is sold to the bottlers all over the world and it is the bottlers who has to finish the product by adding water and sugar. It is a good way of keeping the costs down, because there is no expenses putting the syrup into cans or bottles and there is no usage of water or sweeteners. This also simplifies their job to keep the formula of coke as a secret (Coca-Cola5, 2011, Para. 6) 5. Effectiveness There is one major disadvantage by only producing the syrup, which is that the drink tastes different all over the world. Huffington (2012, Para. 2) explains that each country has their own filtered water and uses different types and amounts of sugar. However the secret formula prevents other competitors from copying their recipe, which is an effective way by only producing the concentrate. The way CCC provides different volumes is an effective way of reaching out to more and diverse customers. 5. 3 Pe rformance and QualityThe company are working towards the high expectations through their operating requirement group called KORE (Coca-Cola6, 2012, Para. 1-3). The most important effort in this program is done by outlining strong regulations, policies, programs and specifications to lead all operations with accuracy. The key is constant monitoring and clear communication while reporting new statistics to the top managers. 5. 4 Innovation The CCC is always trying to follow the global trends and adapt to customer needs by creating the right beverage that suits different groups. Coca-Cola (2011, Para. ) informs that they created low calorie drinks such as Cola Zero and Cola Light to alure both genders in separate approach. They create health drinks to provide the new generation and athletes with what they want. It is not just about making carbonated soft-drinks anymore, they are following the steps taken by human nature to meet the new standards of life. 5. 5 Customer Service The CCC h as many employees to keep track on and Antenna (Para. 1) explains how the the company are increasing their distribution and deliveries of beverages by effective management.The company use (AMP) Antenna Mobility Platform to use the field employees as â€Å"human mobile offices† to keep them cohesive, prepared and efficient. This method allows the company to accomplish real-time responsiveness to customers and high levels of workforce productivity, according to Antenna (Para. 2). The result of it is also that both managers and employees improve their communication and collabotation as they can react quicker to changes that occur. 6. Management Science Theory 6. 1 Total Quality Management According to Coca-Cola6 (2012, Para. 4) KORE guarantees the consistency of their business quality.They are accurate in following terms and conditions made by the different departments. They use strict rules and policies to monitor performance and to prevent inaccuracies within manufacturing. KO RE arrange meetings with staff members to discuss questions and matters that concerns requirements and feedback to increase quality. Coca-Cola (20126, Para. 5) explains that the information is always available for the whole department to find out the goals, process, work instructions and worksheets related to the specific area of members. 6. 2 Quantitative Management In â€Å"Figure 1† Stephen (2009) shows where the highest consumptions are made.This quantitative information helps the company to work harder in specific areas where the brand is weak. Figure 1 – Worldwide Coca-Cola Consumption Figure 2 – Coke or Pepsi? In â€Å"Figure 2† Y-N (2008) are giving the information telling the company of what sort of beverage is most common in a specific country. This enables the company to analyse the competitors and how the CCC can grow in the market. 6. 3 Operations Management The CCC makes sure their interns and potential employees finishes an intership progra m called SCOM (Supply Chain Operations Management), (Coke-Consolidated, Para. 2).SCOM gives them the education and experience to master manufacturing and production. Also to learn about supply chain planning, transport, delivery, sales and warehouse management. It is about integrating them with the ideas and processes. The Coca-Cola Bottling Company Consolidated (CCBCC) explains about their concern of operation management: â€Å"At CCBCC, we strive to recruit the most talented, motivated people to continue to grow our outstanding team and develop into key members of our business to ensure that CCBCC will continue to lead the i1ndustry and set the bar for the rest of the beverage industry. (Coke-Consolidated, nd, Para. 4) 6. 4 Management Information System Case-Studies (2009, Para. 1) states that ISS (Information System Services) is their main department to monitor other informational groups such as CCBCC. The way of tracking files and archives is done by using EPM (Microsoft Office Enterprise Project Management) which is used as their informational technology. EPM makes CCBCC work and study their economics precisely and manage their recourses more efficiently in order to make decisions and complete goals in a reduced amount of time.They evaluate details like project costs, time, functions and efforts (Case-Studies, 2009, Para. 2). This helps them to gather information to create solutions, discover benefits, and achieve goals in the different criteria’s. 7. Organisation Structure CCC uses both the mechanistic view of the contingency theory within the factory environment and an open systems approach within their sales department. Business, marketing and sales strategies are decided by the management and then carried out by the employees.From the managers under Muhtar Kent comes the instructions and strategies that then is fed down into the supervisors and then to the employees. Coca-Cola introduced, the â€Å"Plant Bottle†, (Coca-Cola Company; Pla nt Bottle Benefits, 2012, Para 1). The introduction of this product was a decision made by the board, later carried out under the supervision of managers and finally sold by employees and sales people for Coca-Cola. This is an example of a hierarchical structure which is typical of the mechanistic structure.An Open System approach is used for marketing and sales within CCC. CCC needs to be able to use the raw materials and input from the external environment to produce goods and services that impact the external environment (George et al, 2012, p54). After the Tohoku Earthquake 2011, Japan had to reduce power usage. With one vending machine for every 25 people, Japan saved over 10 million kilo watts of energy by turning them off (Coca-Cola-Company, 2012, Para 5). CCC created a vending machine called the â€Å"Impossible Vending Machine† that uses half the energy than the others.This gives them a competitive advantage over other vending machine companies within Japan (Coca-Col a-Company, 2012, Para 9). 8. Barriers to Entry ; Competition Due to Coca-Cola’s success in the industry, strong entry for new competitors is quite limited. The company has such broad market exposure, with products being sold in over 200 countries (Coca-Cola, 2012), that most new companies would not have any kind of effect on market trends. Competition with CCC rests primarily in brands already in the market such as Schweppes and Nestle.For new brands entering the market economies of scale are large, especially due to the fact that CCC experiences small economies of scale. The risks for new or existing companies to create or expand their products are high. With CCC’s prominence and brand recognition it is their biggest asset. As a result, it would take a great deal of time or money to enter the beverage market successfully, and possibly longer still for adequate brand recognition. 9. Organizational Environment 9. 1 Social Variables People are getting concerned about the ir health.The population whom are reaching a higher age will decrease their amount of carbonated drinks. Meanwhile there are people who are only interested in their own wellness and fitness. Coca-Cola (2010, Para. 1) explains how they are strongly aiming towards an active and healthy lifestyle by offering other soft drinks, such as Juice and PowerAde. They enlighten the customers to be more active by exercising more. 9. 2 Political ; Legal According to Grynbaum (2012, Para. 1) the New York City Board of Health approved a ban on large sized sodas from being sold at restaurants, cinemas and street carts.This means that the amount of Coca-Cola bottles larger than 16oz (47cl) is going to decrease in sales. 9. 3 Communities and Governments The governments want to keep the world â€Å"green† and the CCC are applying this request by using their â€Å"2020 Vision† (Coca-Cola2, 2012, Para 1). The company are taking responsibility towards the global environment in the way of rep lenishing water and manufacturing environmentally friendly bottles (Coca-Cola7, n/d, Para. 1). This is a way of helping communities which are in great need of water. 9. 4 CompetitorsThe competitors are forced to be innovative because of CCC’s large market share. CCC has to keep being innovative and release new additions to their portfolio. This as an measure to prevent loss of marketshare. 9. 5 CEO The biggest internal influence in the CCC comes within the CEO, Muhtar Kent. Everything that has to do with future ideas and projects originates from him. Ignatius (2011, Para. 1) informs how Mr Kent is keen to meet the future global demands and how important it is for him to impact the CCC by applying the â€Å"vision† into every single member.Mr Kent controls the attitude, values and foundations of how the CCC should behave as an organisation not just towards the customers, but towards the global changing environment. 9. 6 S. W. O. T Analysis * Social Variables – Th reat People will stop drinking Coca-Cola at a certain age which results in decreased revenue. The CCC is forced to create new products to adapt to the change in environment. * Political ; Legal – Threat This is a direct threat and limits the sales on larger soft drinks. The volume of Coca-Cola sold will decrease. The customers can no longer chose drinks bigger than 16oz. Communities and Governments – Opportunity The way the company is being responsible and helpful towards the environment gives them goodwill and an advantage if certain legal laws would appear on environmental behaviour. Instead of being forced to change, they set the example on how to behave. * Competitors – Threat Pepsis innovative thinking puts pressure on the CCC. If a competitor creates a product that responds to customer needs it will give them competitive advantages. The CCC might lose market share as a result. * CEO – Strength The role of a CEO could be a great weakness.However Muht ar Kents way of innovative thinking and leadership qualities brings confidence and inspiration towards shareholders, employees and customers. Mr Kent as a CEO is a great strength. 10. Factors of Organisational Culture The CCC boasts a culture of being One Company, One Team, One Passion (Coca-Cola Company5; 2012, Para. 1). This is shown in the way they describe their ‘unique culture’ which includes; nurturing talent and skill sets that will add to the company’s value, encouraging socialisation and building relationships with colleagues to increase motivation in worker and foresting creativity (Coca-Cola Company5, 2012, Para. -4). The values that the CCC and Muhtar Kent have put in place to create the organisation’s culture for their employees as a guide of how to behave include; Leadership, collaboration, integrity, accountability, passion, diversity and quality (Coca-Cola Company5; 2012, Para. 2). 11. Managing Change ; Diversity 11. 1 Organisational Change CCC has recently announced changes to the Operating Structure and Senior Leadership Appointments as of January 1, 2013. Instead organise around three prominent businesses; Coca-Cola International, Coca-Cola Americas and Bottling Investments Group (Coca-Cola2, 2012, Para. ). The change is another progress towards their â€Å"2020 vision† for the future. This is an example of bottom-up change as it has been implemented gradually, with top line managers picking up more jobs, while other employees have been let go. The change can also be described as a mix of forced evolution, and dictatorial transformation. 11. 2 Diversity Awareness Program The CCC has developed a diversity educational program for all manager and employees. This program is designed to make people aware of diversity and educate them in what diversity means for the company.The program includes; classroom and online courses that are classroom based, seminar with invited keynote speakers and many different diversit y awareness based resources (Coca-Cola Company; 2012, Para. 9). These resources available to the employees and managers at CCC are designed to educate them in order to better understand other employees, customer, and suppliers and above all give the company a greater competitive advantage. 11. 3 Managing Diversity According to DiversityInc (2012, Para. 1) the CCC has remained in the â€Å"top 50 companies† for diversity during the last 10 years.Diversity is not just about policies and regulations; it is a part of their culture. Coca-Cola (2012, Para. 2) explains how they intend to form an environment that provides all members equal access to information, progress and opportunity. It is crucial for them to operate in a diverse workplace because of their long-term goal called â€Å"2020 Vision People†. Coca-Cola2 (2012, Para 3) states that there are three pillars of diversety eucation: * Diversity Training * Diversity Speakers Series * Diversity LibraryThey also offer su pplier diversity training to make sure their associates comprehend how to obtain the power of the workplace by having suppliers that consist of minority- and women-owned businesses (Coca-Cola8, 2012, Para. 5). Diversity is in the heart of the CCC and it is the way they are, how they work and comprehend the future (Coca-Cola3, 2012, Para. 1). 12. Organisational Ethics CCC has designed a Code of Business Conduct which guides the organization through the ethical minefield, including anti-corruption and anti-bribery codes (Code of Business Conduct, 2009, Para. 3-4).This code of conduct entails the expectation of accountability, honesty and integrity in all matters. Coca-Cola’s Ethics and Compliance Committee, made up of Board directors as well as other non-employee leadership, administer this code of conduct. Integrity is fundamental to CCC, along with other values. 13. Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) CCC has taken a proactive approach to CSR. An example of this is the â₠¬Å"Little Red Schoolhouse Project† in the Philippines opened by Coca Cola to provide children with a basic elementary education (Coca-Cola Company: Coca-Cola; Little Red Schoolhouse, Para 1).This action also takes into account that in many areas where schools have been built there has been a high level child labor. The construction of these buildings helps children from being forced to work (Coca-Cola Company: Addressing Global Issues Para 4). 14. Managing Leadership 14. 1 Transformational Leadership According to Ignatius (2011, Para. 3), Muhtar Kent has transformed the CCC into a long term thinking company by implementing the â€Å"2020 Vision†. They are establishing a compelling vision and it is important that everyone is following the steps because of their global network and market.The high level of diversity forces the CCC to bring different individuals together and direct them to achieve the same goals, also to understand and believe in the same values and visions that the company requires. BTS (2012, Para. 2) informs that to endure transformational change they created Revenue Growth Management (RGM) to bring modern solutions to modern problems. 14. 2 Transactional Leadership According to Coca-Cola4 (2012, Para. 3) the company encourage their employees to be high preforming and they offer one of the best benefit packages in the world.They offer different developmental opportunities for their allies, one of which is the Coca-Cola University. This is a program for high performers to evolve, using the Peak Performance System (PPS, n/d, Para. 3). To extinguish undesired and reinforce desired behaviours the CCC have very strict workplace rights policies. The workplace rights policy makes the employees feel more secure and aware of their rights and also makes sure they are well aware on how to behave (Coca-Cola3, 2012, Para. 3) â€Å"The success of our business depends on every employee in our global enterprise.We are committed to fostering open and inclusive workplaces that respect human and workplace rights, where all employees are valued and inspired to be the best they can be. Our Workplace Rights Policy reflects these values and our commitment to uphold workplace rights globallyâ€Å"(Coca-Cola, 2012, Para. 1) 15. Managing Motivation 15. 1 Theories To illustrate how CCC caters to the needs of its employees the Alderfer ERG theory can be used (George, et al. 2012, pg. 234). CCC caters the existence needs of their employees by diversity awareness and education program which makes the employees feel safe and secure working in the workplace.CCC encourages open communication within the workplace through collaboration, which is one of the Coca-Cola core values (Coca-Cola Company; Mission, Vision ; Values, 2012, Para. 2). CCC develop their employees, by providing training through the Coca-Cola University which gives employees the chance to gain an education about the marketplace to fulfil the growth need (Coca-Cola Company; Benefits and rewards, 2012, Para 4). CCC also boasts that they have a benefits package that it highly regarded within the industry (Coca-Cola Company; Benefits and Rewards, 2012, Para 7).This can be seen as a form of motivation. It states that this benefits package addresses the employee’s basic human and life changing needs which in turn develops intrinsic and extrinsic motivation (Coca-Cola Company; Benefits and Rewards, 2012, Para 7). 16. Managing Decision Making 16. 1 Decision Making Within Coca-Cola Company Decisions for the company are made by the Board of Directors, and are considered alongside the interests of stakeholders, as well environmental concerns. Many of the decisions made are considered in relation to the company’s ‘2020 Vision’.An example of a decision made is the company’s investment into the Indian Beverage Market. CCC recognised the potential presented in India, and as a result began generating ideas as to how to maximise this opportunity. The company then assessed and chose investments, including creating jobs, supporting education and implementing the common ‘Reduce, Reuse, Recycle’ method in order to improve waste in the developing country. These $2 billion investments are set to not only provide positive changes within India, but also to improve the company’s repute and to achieve the 2020 goal. (Winzelberg, 2012, Para 4-6;8) 7. Conclusion There are many conclusions made out of this report after researching in a more deep way. Coca-Cola is obviously more than just the soft-drink that people buy when thirsty. It is a company that has great values and caring visions. The CCC is pursuing a long term goal and is always looking for improvements. They are a proactive company because of their way of caring for the global nature and communities. The are always concerned about what the future will bring, which is why they have long term visions. It has been an instructive period to study th e company and it’s structure.